The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

We have a Walker!!

14.5 months old and finally a walker!!

This video was taken about 5 days ago... and Cooper is already more steady, confident, and brave with each passing day :)

Here he is!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Just one more :)

Some more belly laughs... I couldn't resist :)  Cooper woke up from his nap in a pretty cheery mood the other day.

His nuk has been exclusively for nap and bedtime, or when he's really not feeling well.  But apparently there is one additional use for it.  Behold a boy and his daddy:

I think back to when he was only a couple months old, and we had to work so hard to get those tiny little giggles out of him. Now he laughs at the drop of a hat. Or the blow of a Nuk.  Or the 'boing' of a branch.  There is nothing cuter than those belly laughs!  Time flies, and we are happy to be enjoying this easily entertained and super-cheery boy.  Who knows what next month will bring?!?!?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lots of Laughs

This post will be full of pics and videos... I've been a little camera-happy lately, but it shows a great snapshot of the little monster that we call Cooper.

He had a blast at the Waterpark of America recently!  He is a baby who loves the water!!

Cooper and Daddy playing in the bunk bed at the hotel.

Mommy's makeup brush feels kinda cool...

A new favorite activity: figuring out what can fit on his wrists

He crawled in all by himself

And the giggling quickly followed

Check out that mouth full of teeth!

 And he's finally taking more and more steps!!

The beautiful weather makes everyone happy!

And nothing can make me happier than his toddler belly laughs!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

We wish for Snow!

What a crummy winter to have a toddler!  I would love nothing more than to get a great big snow storm to take Cooper out to play in... We thought we had a great chance with yesterday's storm, but it turned out to be just a bunch of slush and ice.  I still am banking on a March snow storm! (And a SNOW DAY!!)

The good news is, we're finding lots of fun things to do inside...

Cooper loves seeing the girls play ball at the Minnetonka Dome on Sundays.

He likes hanging out on the bench!

And he also seems to analyze the game...

He's also been practicing his silly skills.  A dollar bin pair of sunglasses from Target has become one of his favorite things. He also loves wearing hats around the house, as well as putting our shoes on his feet and hands.  He especially likes slippers for some reason.  It's pretty cute, actually.  He knows he's funny, and he'll get this big 'ol grin on and crawl around making crazy noises and giggling.  He's still practicing walking... and he has taken a few hesitant steps, but we can't yet call him a 'walker.'  He's still being pretty stubborn about it!

And did I mention he's happiest wearing little or no clothing?!?
Cool dude!

We had our first fingerpainting experience!  It's hard to know who had more fun... mommy or Cooper.  Although it only lasted two short minutes, he made the first of many beautiful works of art.  To my dismay, he's not showing any big signs of loving artsy stuff.  Fingerpaints were more fun to eat than to create with, and crayons are more fun to put in and out of the box than they are to color with.  Oh, and of course, they're more fun to taste as well.  As a side note, do you know they make washable crayons now?  Supposedly they wash off walls, floors, and tables with a wet washcloth.  Ya.  Cooper will see about that.

Yum!  Blue tastes the best!

Van Gogh in the making!

And last, but not least, we learned there is a very good reason co-sleeping does not work for our family.  Case-in-point:

This was the scene after one little boy's VERY crabby night of teething.  After rocking with mom or dad, Ibuprofen, up-every-hour,  and a 5 am breakfast, we decided to pull him into bed with us.  We just couldn't take it.  Let's  just say Cooper got some good sleep.  We, on the other hand, did not.  He slept until 9:30 am, while we both got up by 7, seeing as how we really had no room for sleeping anyway...  We always knew there was a reason we never did this, but now we have the proof :)