Weight: 24 lbs. 1 oz. (45th percentile)
Height: 31 inches (50th percentile)
Head: Still Big-95th percentile... must be all those brains!!
Wearing: Size 3 diapers, size 4 shoes, size 18 mo. clothes
Teeth: 12 teeth! His two bottom 1 yr molars are completely through, and the top two have just a little skin left on them.
Words: Mommy, Daddy, Puppy - all consistently. He also can say baby, cookie, and he is SO close to saying Jackie. Auntie Jackie is so proud!
Sleeping: 10-12 hours per night. One good nap between 2-3 hours. Knows to leave his Nuk in his crib when he wakes up... that Nuk will probably disappear this summer!
Eating: Pretty good eater, in general. His loves are broccoli, peas, cheese, rice, almost all fruits, and hot dogs. He is also learning to 'dip' foods. He loves ketchup :) Loves to use a spoon or fork, and is getting pretty good if we can load it up for him. Drinks whole milk, loves cold water--especially if it has a splash of apple juice in it.
Books, Books, and more Books: His favorite is
The Animals of Farmer Jones. It is literally an obsession. We have to hide the book sometimes! He also loves
I Love You, Daddy; 10 Little Ladybugs; Five Little Monkeys; Peanut Butter Rhino; and
Brown Bear, Brown Bear. We pretty much read him the same 8 or 9 books over and over and over and over again! He is starting to grab for his
First 100 Words book more and more--he loves when we find the puppies :)
Likes: Reading books. Pushing around the popper, the toy lawn mower, and the CAT truck. Pulling magnets off the fridge. Banging things on the windows. Getting the neighbor puppies to bark. Watching the KARE 11 forecast--Belinda Jensen in particular. Bubbles. Emptying the entire toy basket only to crawl away to something new. Putting shoes on his hands. Being in his diaper only. Going for stroller rides. Watching kids play at the park. Playing in the grass and rocks. Bopping and bouncing to music. Climbing up the stairs.
Dislikes: The vacuum cleaner. Being separated from mommy (we're to the scream-your-head-off freak-out phase). Doing any one activity for 'too long' (and by that I mean five minutes!).
Other News: Cooper's personality is still pretty cautious, although he's starting to get more brave as his walking improves. He likes to kind of check things out before he gets in on any action. All in all, he's very smiley and just plain goofy. He gives open-mouth kisses-and a lot of them! He's now also into grabbing our face or ears (for handles) and bonking foreheads. He loves chasing around the house and playing peek-a-boo. His forehead is rarely bruise-free these days. He's taken some pretty good tumbles!
Lately: We've been going to softball games... Cooper loves being at the fields, seeing the girls, and hearing the cheering. He loves hanging on to the fence and screaming at or chatting with the outfielders. He also loves watching for puppies there.
Next big things for Cooper: Getting a bike helmet for riding behind in the bike trailer. Learning to stand up from a sitting position (weird, right?!). Learning some new words so he can stop calling everything 'mommy.' Learning to smile on cue... we need to start getting some family pics will everyone smiling!!
Wee!! The slide is fun!! |
Pushing around my popper!! |
Future senior picture pose :) |
Walking around like he owns the place! |
Big smiles on the lawn mower ride |
Not so sure about riding on Grandpa Randy's scooter... |