Izzy continues to bring lots of love to our lives and our family... She makes us smile every day with her silly expressions and now with her big gummy smiles. She is so content! She loves hanging out on the floor during the day, and she doesn't mind small doses of tummy time. At her 2-week check up last week, she weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs. 8 oz.! That's just over a one-pound gain in 10 days (she left the hospital weighing 7 lbs. 7.5 oz.). I knew she was a good eater... I just didn't realize HOW good :) She's starting to fill out... as evidenced by her double chin and the beginning of thigh rolls.
A chance to get out of the house and try out the double stroller. |
Surprise, surprise, Izzy's first walk put her to sleep! |
Two weeks old! |
We also just got her newborn photos back. Mary Drummer (of Mary Drummer Photography in Carver) did a great job for us, despite the fact that Izzy was being a little stinker. For starters, she was wide awake the ENTIRE time, which is very odd for a newborn... Secondly, she just was not her content self. She was fussy and we couldn't get her to be comfortable in more than two or three positions. We did get some beautiful shots of our little Izzy, though. Take a sneak peek ;)
The reason I've been a little preoccupied is mainly that I've been trying to catch up on sleep... Here's a rundown of our last few days/nights...
7:30 PM: Cooper's down for the night.
8 PM: Izzy's awake and ready to party. I wonder if she has invisible toothpicks holding open her eyes.
10 PM: Izzy eats for the third time in four hours. Still not sleepy.
12 AM: Screaming heard from the basement. Jeremy goes to check and finds a puking Cooper. Izzy is still awake.
12:45 AM: Cooper pukes again, and continues to vomit every forty minutes, pretty much all night.
1:30 AM: Izzy is sleeping. Finally. I lay her down and crawl into bed. Jeremy and Cooper are snuggling in the basement on a makeshift bed make of towels.
2:00 AM: Izzy's not sleeping. Surprise. I rock and sway with her for what feels like an eternity. I might have been sleeping while standing up.
2:15 AM: Jeremy comes upstairs to check on us and we can't decide who has it tougher... the puking boy who wants to watch cartoons between heaves or the wide awake baby who won't let her mom sit down. I think the puke trumps the rocking...
2:45 AM: The house is quiet. Izzy drifts off to sleep. Thank heavens!
4:00 AM: Izzy is awake to eat, and I hear talking in the basement. I go down to find Cooper warming his hands by the fireplace and telling daddy all about cartoons.
By this point, it was pretty much impossible to get any quality sleep, so I know Jeremy threw in the towel ;) I caught a couple hours when Izzy thankfully went back to sleep after this night time feeding.
7:30 AM: Izzy and I are up and getting ready for church. We decide to go solo and leave the germs behind for a while.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful--no more puking. Until exactly midnight that following night! The night's events were nearly identical to the previous night, so I'll spare the details... but Izzy decided she needed to be awake to partake in the action--thankfully, Cooper didn't have a marathon sick night again... just a few times ;)
Coop stayed home from daycare Monday, and Jeremy stayed home from school to take care of him. No puking again... until Tuesday afternoon at daycare, as well as Tuesday evening after a snack. Poor guy!! It really stinks to watch your child puke. You feel so helpless!!! Needless to say, he stayed home Wednesday, with Grandma Lori's help. Guess who came home from work early Wednesday because he felt sick?!?!? Jeremy!! Now it's Thursday, Cooper's back at daycare and so far, so good! No puking from either of my boys, but Jeremy is still home. Hopefully some R&R will help him feel back to normal soon!!
Whew! That's it.
We hope you have a HEALTHY rest of the week!