Growing, and Growing, and Growing...
Size 3 diapers
Size 9 mo. clothes
Around 16.5 pounds
Eating Well...
5 milk feedings a day, but she will probably drop the supper/evening one soon
Likes to eat two 'meals' a day: cereal and fruit in the AM and cereal and veggies in the PM
Added lots to her palate: applesauce, peaches, pears, peas, green beans, and LOVES carrots
Feels proud to hold the sippy cup and get some good gulps of water
Loves Baby Mum Mums
Same bedtime of 7:30/8:00, but has been getting up around 5:30 AM lately
Dropped the nighttime feeding, but wakes several times per night-Nuk usually works, but sometimes snuggles are still needed
2 or 3 naps per day, afternoon nap is starting to be more consistent
Being in the high chair
Rolling, slithering backward, and spinning around on her belly in the living room
Cooper making her laugh with his silly sounds
Putting everything in her mouth
Playing peek-a-boo... she likes to pull the blanket off her own face now!
Stroller rides
Playing 'chase' around the kitchen island
Snuggling and playing with daddy on the bed while mommy gets ready for work in the morning
Sleeping in our arms
Bath time-especially with her big brother
Grabbing anything she can get her hands on
Sitting in the Bumbo seat
Other Stuff...
She is still a good snuggler :)
Bangs two toys together, and loves amusing herself with the new sounds they make
Rocks on all 'fours' and is SOOO close to crawling!
Still no teeth
Izzy lights up when she sees Mom, Dad, or Cooper enter the room
Cooper gets her best giggles
Is a pretty good sitter, but still topples over sometimes
Her forehead is acquiring some scuffs and bruises with her new mobility
She is becoming very distractable... mommy and Izzy need to find quite, calm places for nursing now
Fought off that ear pesky ear infection with a 2nd antibiotic that did NOT agree with her tummy :(
Bring on summer! We are so excited to spend time outdoors with both kids. Izzy thinks the grass is very interesting, so it will be fun letting her explore and crawl around outside. I am sure she'll love the pool, too, since she's getting more confident sitting up. We can no longer lay her on the floor without doing a good check of the area to see what could be within her grasp. She can cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time!
Dimples! (And can you see that her head is 99+ percentile?!?! So full of brains!!) |
I LOVE my brother!! |
Our little pianist... banging the piano with a hammer makes beautiful music |
Izzy slithered under the couch and got stuck. But we still got smiles! |
More admiration for her big brother... |
Yes, Izzy, you still look VERY much like your father's daughter... |