The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Fall and Such...

I cannot believe it's been over a month since I've updated, but our lives have slowed down just a touch... maybe that's why ;)  No big, crazy, exciting events have changed our lives in the past month, just lots of fun and 'normal' life!!

Jeremy and I went to our first Wild game a couple weekends ago.  This date also marked one of the first times something truly spontaneous worked out for us!  Thanks, Missy and Phil, for the fun night!  And speaking of Missy and Phil, I get to be an auntie!!  Missy and Phil are expecting their first baby in early June, 2014!  I am really excited to watch them become parents!

Wild Game

Thanksgiving festivities have come and gone, and it was great to see most of our family.  We also hosted a casual dinner for anyone who could make it from my family--and Jeremy got the chance to make his very first turkey!

Jeremy's first turkey was PERFECTION!

Izzy and Dana sharing their love of the iPhone :)

The little turkey

"No mommy!!!!  Don't take my picture!  No, no, mommy!!"

Cooper and Izzy are constantly amazing us and bringing smiles to every day.  Cooper is growing up soooo fast!  He says and does some of the funniest things.  He knows how to work 'deals' with us, and he almost always says please--"Pretty please with sugar on top."  He has really good manners, and I'm not just saying that.  When we wake up Izzy from a nap or in the morning, he always says, in his cute high voice, "Hi honey!  Good morning Isabelle!"  He pats her and loves her and gives her a few minutes of special attention that only a big brother can.  He repeats just about everything, including his explanation of why I go to Snap Fitness: "To get a little butt.  But it's not working..."  He finally understands time a little better.... tomorrow means something now.  And the things he REMEMBERS boggles our minds.  He's starting to understand emotions better, and can tell us if he had a rough day, if he's sad or happy, or if he's scared.  Case-in-point: Last night, he bawled and bawled when we wouldn't let him keep his lights on his mini-Christmas tree on as he was falling asleep.  I told him firefighters said we can't keep the lights on at night incase they start a fire (thinking that would make perfect sense to him, since he has a little obsession with firefighting).  Well, it worked for last night, but tonight, he wouldn't stop crying about his tree--he did NOT want it even in his room starting a fire.  Sad. 

Isabelle is so interactive, engaged, inquisitive, and full of life.  She loves sitting down to read books together, and she is starting to respond to all sorts of simple directions and conversations.  I am sure words are going to start popping out of that cute little mouth.  She is almost always happy and smiling.  She loves teasing us by offering to give us something, then scampering away giggling with the item.  She wears two ponytails sometimes, but often tugs out the pony holders, leaving her hair looking very AceVentura-ish.  She adores her big brother and loves to follow him around, trying to play whatever he is.  She climbs up the steps faster than you could imagine for a tiny tot, and she just learned how to go down them, too.  So you can imagine her favorite game when we're down in the basement!  She lays down willingly for diaper changes, and she loves to help by holding the diaper and wipes.  She has got to be one of the best eaters on the planet--with just two teeth, it's amazing the foods she can devour.  There is very little she won't eat.  She still takes a bed-time bottle, and I'm not so sure about dropping that bottle too soon... I know she doesn't nutritionally need it, but it still works for us ;)

Izzy's first finger painting!

And so life goes on for us... nothing too crazy.  We're enjoying having Jeremy home after school now that he's in between seasons.  Adapted floor hockey starts next week, but they don't practice Fridays!!  

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us... our Christmas tree is up, and even though we have our smaller tree up with only plastic balls and unbreakable ornaments on it, it's still cute.  It fits our life at the moment.  And we already know it was a good choice--Izzy cannot keep her little paws off it, and it's only been up for one day.