The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring Break, How I'll Miss You!

This has been the most amazing week!  The kids and I had so much fun hanging out every day, and Jeremy joined us on a few of our outings, too, even though his spring break had already passed.  This week has made me so incredibly excited for this summer.  The kids are at ages that makes it pretty easy to pick up and go when something fun comes along, and it doesn't take a whole lot to excite them!

Here's our spring break in snapshots...

Mmmmm!  Thanks for the dilly bar, grandma and grandpa!

My bucket-headed tutu-loving girl!

"No smiling," gets us his cheesiest grin.

Children's Museum:

Crabby girl picked to be in her crib with her books so she could have her nu-nu (nuker) and cheer up.

Helping dad with the garbage disposal replacement.

Playing in the water table in the kitchen!

Jumps and Downs:

Painting fun:

The Creative Play Place:
An indoor sandbox!
Queen Isabelle

We finally got to get Cooper OUTSIDE on his bike!

Checking out the first bug of spring on this 60 degree day (the first in nearly six months!!!). It only took Izzy about two minutes to step on it.  Cooper just said, "Better luck next time."

We also made it to the MN Zoo, even getting to be outside in the stroller to see some animals.  

Funniest moment of the week was Cooper's 'big pwobwem,' aka big problem.  He discovered that all his underwear have holes in them.  Try explaining to a 3-year-old that holes are meant to be in boys' underwear...  He discovered these 'holes' during naptime... go figure.  He likes to nap in just his underwear, which we don't mind when we're at home (choosing battles ;).  He came out of his room very concerned one day early in the week:
"Mom, there's holes in my unda-wear."  Me: "What? Show me what you're talking about."  He proceeds to show me the little man-hole that is made in every little boy pair of underwear.  I proceed to explain that it's meant to be that way, that it's okay, and that's how big boy underwear are.
"Mom, we got a probwem!  I don't want holes in my unda-wear! We need to get some new ones."  So we put on a new pair fresh and tight from the laundry.  
Every day for the rest of he week, a similar scenario played itself out each and every naptime.
Thanks to Grandma Dawn for helping Cooper fix his "problem" by sewing the fronts closed.  An easy fix for a simple little problem.  Nap time is much more restful now;)

Whew.  There it is.  Now I just have to will myself to bed... When I wake up it means spring break is officially over.  Wah.  

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My Latest Creation

My spring break creation :)  I was feeling ambitious, creative, and nostalgic. Watching these two crazy kids over the past few days has made me realize how they are becoming great friends... Cooper is getting more protective over Izzy, he kisses, hugs, and apologizes quickly, and he knows just how rough is 'just right' when they're playing.  Isabelle has now started rubbing Cooper on the head, saying, "Nice, nice," instead of whacking him, she loves to laugh at his crazy faces, and she follows him around and looks up to him like only a little sister can.  I LOVE these kids!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The Thursday night of President's Day weekend, Jeremy surprised me with an amazing anniversary surprise... The next morning, we'd be boarding a plane and spending the long weekend in Orlando.  He had every detail taken care of... Kids would be at grandma and grandpa's, my substitute teacher and plans for my class had been taken care of, the tickets were confirmed... I just needed to pack.  Holy crap.

It was an awesome trip in so many ways.  When we landed, we drove straight to Cocoa Beach to walk around on the beach with no socks on :). Out hotel was really nice, and even though the weather wasn't quite warm enough for lounging by the pool, we still enjoyed the accommodations.  

The trip was laid back and relaxing.  We spent one day at Epcot and another partial day at Downtown Disney.  We even met up with Jeremy's aunt and uncle who were staying at their timeshare for breakfast one of the mornings.  We slept in, we are out without timing anyone's naps or bedtime, and we got to reconnect and VISIT with each other, which felt like a treat.

Thanks for the great trip Jeremy!  It was a memorable one ;)

Monday, March 10, 2014

She is Fierce...

Saw this image tonight, and it made me think of Izzy.  It was just today that I shared with Izzy's ECFE teacher that she is learning to really push Cooper's buttons:  she grabs his toys the second he turns his back (and runs three steps away until he SEES her with it to continue running further), she smacks him and screams, and she screams and screams and screams some more.  Sometimes they are mad screams, other times it seems as though she just likes the sound of her powerful, loud voice.  

If the tables get turned, what do you think she does.  Yep.  Screams!

The girl is a little half-pint, still small for her age, but she packs a lot of power in that little body.  Her little stinkin pig tails keep getting cuter, making it that much harder to get mad at her.  But she is fierce. 

She is a curious and fearless little thing.  She loves to get into things she shouldn't when mom or dad leave the room, then patiently wait until she's discovered to get a huge grin on that chubby-cheeked face.  Her current favorites are climbing onto kitchen chairs and standing up, climbing onto the rocking chair and hanging over the side for dear life, getting up on the couch to run back and forth, and sneaking up the stairs when we're playing in the basement.  

And although it doesn't fit with my post theme, I had to add a list of words Izzy is currently spouting out.  They don't come out perfectly, of course, but they are recognizable to us, and she uses them often!!
Nu-nu (for Nuk)
wa-wa (for water)
Minnie (yep, like the mouse... great parenting moment: one of my child's first words is a cartoon character=I'm not exactly proud, but she sure is)
kay (as in okay)
thank you
Love ooh
pretties (for her pig tails or barrettes)

Wow, when I list them out, there are so many more than I thought.  
This early-words stage is SO much fun!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lots of Laughs with Daddy

Is it any wonder our kids LOVE when their daddy is home to play?!?  This video is one I took back in January, but I just stumbled upon it on the camera.  Enjoy :)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hide and Seek

Oh Izzy... Where are you???

Mr. and Mrs. Jensen

Congratulations to my beautiful sister and new brother-in-law!
 Amanda and Dan tied the knot on February 22, in an intimate, small, PERFECT ceremony.
Everything about the day was wonderful... and we were so excited to share in their special day!

Okay, so she wasn't convincing anyone of her beauty at this moment...

But now she was!!!

The Northwoods Sisters

Our Family

Izzy is clearly loving the kisses from Auntie Missy

Almost Showtime!  She's ready!

Making promises

The Sweetheart Table

Clink for Kisses

Let's Dance!  Let's Eat Cake!

These flags were good entertainment!

The Jensens

The kids with Grandma Chris and Grandpa Randy

Love you, Mrs. Jensen


Missy and Phil sporting some new 'pretties'

By the end of the night, the best place to be was under the tables :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day

From, My Little Loves

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