The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

She's One and a Half!!!

Big Girl :)

To my sweet Isabelle,

How are you already a year and half old?!  You are no longer a baby in any way... how can some little fact such as this make me joyfully excited while half heartbroken at the same time?  Tonight, you gave me the rare treat of rocking you to sleep, and I ate it up.  I loooove snuggling with you after stories at night, especially when you'll let me cradle you like a baby to watch you slowly drift off to sweet sleep.  Usually, you're too squirmy to lay still and you get excited to be put in your crib... but not tonight.  I think you must have known how I needed the extra snuggles tonight.

Here's what our last few months have been like:

Growing:  Your short little legs still fit great in 12 mo. pants, while your round belly and long torso are filling out 18 mo. tops.  You love to stomp around in shoes of all kinds (size 4 now).  Diapers are holding steady at size 3, and we'll see what percentile you're at when we visit the doctor for your well-visit next week. Your hair is getting really long, and I'm trying to avoid bangs for you, so thanks for keeping your 'pretties' in so much better these days!

At the Table:  You love most foods, especially meat and noodles.  Rice goes in by the handful.  Marshmallows are a special favorite.  You like to show off your fork, spoon, and cup skills at the table, impressing us with how you make it look so easy for such a little lady.  You also show off your sense of humor by grabbing for Cooper's food or utensils until he notices.  You often out-eat your big brother.  And you never will let us forget you like dessert after meals :)

Funny Girl:  You love to 'hide' behind your hands or cover up your eyes so 'we can't see you' and walk around the house.  Playing chase games get your best giggles and squeals.  Your dimples seem to be getting more prominent as you get older.  You like to lift up our shirts and blow on our bellies.

Likes: Playing with your own or mommy's hair while falling asleep.  Your nuk for nap and bedtime.  Playing fetch with Grandma and Grandpa's dog Homer.  Wearing shoes,necklaces, and tutus.  Giving 'fast' hugs (by getting a running start into the arms of the recipient).  Copying pretty much everything your big brother does.  "Pretties" in your hair.  Reading stories and pointing out pictures you know.  Setting wooden puzzles (you are amazingly good at it!!).  Putting shapes in shape sorters.  Story time before bed--you are very adamant about what story you want next!  Books!  You are starting to love books where you can point to the pictures or animals that we say.  Climbing on e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.  Pushing the limits, even when you knows you've hit the limit :) 

Dislikes:  Brushing your teeth. Having your independence tested.  You like to do most things by yourself, although you're learning to ask for help instead of having a little fit.  Hearing "No" or "Be  Patient." Other than that, you are pretty darn easy-going!!

Quirks:  When you're ready to come out of your crib, you carefully rest your Nuk on the edge of your crib rail.  You love to sit on the potty, but still have yet to go.  You always ask for, "A!" when on the toilet... it's the ABC Book that Cooper usually asks for while working on his business.  You love music and to dance, and my oh my, do you have an interesting little groove to your dance moves.  You have a whine that could wake the dead.  You have dozens of facial expressions to fit your varying moods and thoughts, and have perfected the pitiful quivering fat lip.  You love helping: unloading the dishwasher, baking, sweeping, wiping the table, throwing things in the trash, and putting your diapers in the pail.  You are very slow to warm up to new people and places, but cautious is just fine with us!!

Talking:  It seems like a new word pops out every day, with a few recent additions of Too-poh (for Cooper), grandpa, snack, and potty, two, three, shovel.  Honestly, we've lost count because you're so talkative!!  You have definitely hit your language explosion phase.  You know lots of body parts: mouth, cheeks, eyes, ears, hair, belly, toes, fingers,  and can even name most of them on your own.  Animal sounds come easy for you.  It seems like you understand everything we are saying... You are a smart little cookie!! 

You are a little ball of personality!  We love you more than you'll every know!!

Izzy and Cooper's FAST hugs, and you can hear Izzy's "Wuv Ooh" at the end :)

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Easter Weekend 2014

We had a great Easter Weekend this year.  The kids had lots of fun with multiple egg hunts, and they were spoiled beyond belief by aunts and uncles and grandmas and grandpas.  The four of us had a really fun time going to a few parties over the weekend, but still had lots of time to relax and enjoy some time together.  I got to enjoy Friday off with the kids, and Saturday was nice and laid back with only an egg-hunt and some outside playtime with Jeremy worked on our new under-deck shed.

It is weekends like this I wish I could freeze time to make this phase with Cooper and Izzy last just a little longer.  They were goofy and happy and silly and funny all weekend, and we loved every minute of it! 

Here's our weekend in pictures (I had a hard time choosing--there were lots of good ones for a change!!)

Hunting for eggs with a flashlight at Grandma and Grandpa Kalal's house

He was looking high and low :)
And Izzy was looking in all her favorite spots, too

Hmmm... what's in here?!?!

Little Bunny Foo Foo (with some stinkin cute dimples!)

Princess Izzy in her new rainboots, and Cooper using his new bug catcher on Daddy

At the Emma Krumbees Egg Hunt

Jeremy continued our quest for more storage space around this place... a new shed under the deck works great! (stain still to come!!)

Of course, he had a good helper!
Planting Magic Jelly Beans
And this is what he found the next morning!
The Easter Bunny left an egg-trail, with eggs filled with bunny marshmallows

Izzy's new shoes, tutu, necklace, and bow from the Easter Bunny
Cooper loved his new puzzle and recognized lots of characters from his beloved Dr. Seuss books
Cooper also loves to recite all the letters.  He knows them in order, out of order, 'big' or 'little' and he's starting to recognize that certain letters are used for certain words ;)  He loves recognizing them on signs or clothing, and he looooves alphabet books that play on words (like Dr. Seuss's ABC Book or Mickey's Alphabet Soup).
Another egg hunt at Great-Aunt Karen's house

Cute little lady

Cooper gave his eggs and candy LOTS of dump truck rides up and down the hill LOTS of times

Can you tell she's saying, "Shooooes!"
Mommy's Boy   (The kid will do just about anything for a jelly bean!

Our family Easter, 2014