The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hooray for Warmer Weather!

Our weeks have been filled with Tiger Softball games now that the weather is nice, so I'm way overdue on a post!  Our springs always get busy, and this year was no exception.

Yard work has begun, and the most anticipated event of the season in our house: The garden got planted!  Through it all, lots of seeds have been planted, some holes got dug, some worms got saved, and a few plants were sacrificed to Big-Foot (also known as Isabelle Kalal).  She definitely doesn't get the idea of being careful of the sprouts!

Planting Potatoes
And another... she felt so important.  Notice Cooper in the background, just enjoying the DIRT!
Yep, this looks like a good spot for a hole
I got this, guys!

Daddy's helpers

We finally have had some trips to the park and lots of time to play in the driveway and the yard. 

Strutting her stuff
This big girl loves the slides, and she loves chatting!  Listen to her new 'counting' skills!!

A ride around the block... Cooper's been less and less interested in riding... he'd rather pull.

Isabelle loves her baby.  She loves to say "seeping" (sleeping) and "banket" (blanket).  Her baby is well-cared for, getting lots of love and kisses :)


And our little shaggy girl got her first haircut!  It was barely a trim, but it counts!  Of course, auntie Missy got the honors, and she did a great job with the squirmy little worm.  Hopefully now it will begin to all grow together, reducing the mullet look she had going!

It was all growing at different rates... Missy was ready to 'clean it up a bit'
Her first haircut (on a beautiful day on the deck!)
She did sit pretty nicely, for being so little!!
Thanks auntie Missy!!

I am about to become an Auntie x2!  Missy and Amanda are both looking adorable, and we are anxious to meet the new little babes (not quite as anxious as they are, of course!!).

Amanda at 30 weeks, Missy at 36 weeks - CUTIES!

The kids got to play with the water table this weekend and they loved it.  I hung out watching them on the deck while Jeremy grilled lunch for us... It was quite a treat all around :). 

They played soooo nicely together :)

My goofballs

Bring on summer!  We're ready!!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Cooper has been really into dinosaurs lately, so when our Saturday plans fell through, we decided to feed the obsession and take the kids to the Science Museum and check out the special dinosaur exhibit.  On Friday evening, with the tv on in the background, the Science Museum commercial caught Cooper's attention... "I wish I could go to THAT museum."  Jeremy said it was super cute and innocent. So the next morning, we surprised the kids and headed out.  It was a really cool dinosaur exhibit, but as we suspected, the kids are definitely too young to really appreciate and understand most of what the museum has to offer.  They did play with a lot of cool things, though, despite being so little.

The "movie" was his favorite!

The T Rex!

Izzy insisted on staying in the stroller, she was still pretty curious while Coop was playing.

Making fire

Baby-land was her highlight;)

Chomp chomp!

We are glad we can do fun little things like this together now and then.  The kids are so fun and easy to entertain right now!!


Helping dad with cookies is fun!  And delicious!!!

(How our kids love being in just their underwear is so weird to me!!)