The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

It Clicked!

Isabelle has decided potty training is fun :). She is our little rockstar... And as I write this, she has ten stickers on her chart in just two days!!!

Saturday morning I took the advice of a friend and had her play around with no pants or diaper on.  I let her have plenty of juice (straight juice, no less!!), and waited.  We of course talked about using the potty, etc, etc, etc.  I watched her like a hawk so we wouldn't get another little 'puppy' spot on our carpet.  And low and behold, it worked!  Those first few times, it took her a long while of sitting on the little potty chair, but after those first few times, she started telling US when she needed to go, even going twice completely by herself!!

I was getting discouraged with all the talk over the last few months of big girl panties and her showing no interest.  But this weekend, at 2 years and 5 months old, something just clicked.  She is sooooooo excited, and she feels so proud.  I can't wait to say goodbye to diapers for her for good!!  

Look at that pride excitement!!

Keep up the good work, big girl!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Happy St. Patrick's Day 2015.  I am so lucky to have these little stinkers in my life :)

Carson's first St. Patty's Day as our little smirking leprechaun.
Apparently the day tagging along on mom and dad's date day wore him out...
He's a 'sun's out guns out' kinda guy day OR night.

Izzy got to try on her flower girl dress for Adam and Chelsea's wedding tonight...

And Cooper helped dad fix the mailbox.  He was in his glory being a big helper!

I am going to bed tonight feeling blessed and excited for the adventures that await--I am going to keep the big kids home from daycare the next two days as just the first of many days home with mom & my three musketeers.  I am so excited to have the next nearly six months to focus on my family without the stresses of work getting in the way.  Now that's what I call LUCKY!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

All Day Long...

I could stare at this kid all day long... This is my view while he's sleeping on my shoulder-I want to remember those sweet chubby cheeks when he's four years old and talking back :)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Bring on Spring!

"Mom, I'm so glad it's spring. I love this weather!"

Cooper, I couldn't have said it better myself.

Bring on the sunshine.  Bring on the melting.  Bring on the mud.  Bring on the bugs.  Bring it all... We're ready!!

Carson's Newborn Photos

Thank you to my dear friend, Nicole (of Nicole Louise Photography), for her generous gift to us.  These are just a few of my favorites... It is absolutely priceless to have these moments captured.  We loved having her come into our home to take these photos when Carson was only 10 days old.  

Carson's One Month Update

My little hippo is already one month old!  I've said it before, but I'll say it again... I am constantly amazed at how fast the time goes. 

Check out that little smirk!!
Weighed 10 lbs at his 2-week checkup, and I'm guessing he weighs at least a pound more by now, if not more. 
Size 1 diapers, but they are getting snug
Size 3 mo. clothing, but that, too, is getting snug

The two biggies:
Since eating, sleeping, and diapering pretty much rule his life, I have to write about at least a couple of them...
~Carson is a get-to-business nurser, and eats every three hours, around the clock :)  Jeremy has given him a few bottles now, and he takes them pretty well.  My little guy loves hanging out with me in the middle of the night... we get our best snuggles in then!  His average feeding day or night is down to about 15 minutes already!!
~He sleeps well at night, once we get him down.  He is pretty fussy from about 6-9 pm, and then it seems like he just gives up and gives in.  During those three hours, though, we think he has a belly ache, as he pulls up his legs and clenches his arms up tight and has a much different cry than during the day.  So we've been taking him to the chiropractor as well as using all the other tricks we've learned along the way of parenting two other newborns... so far, we definitely don't have it all figured out!  He does sleep very well during the day, and I typically lay him in his crib to sleep (but don't tell his daddy, sometimes I just snuggle him for part of his nap!!  Why wouldn't I!?!?!?  He's only this little once...).  I often have to wake him up to feed him, in hopes that feeding every three hours during the day will lead to longer stretches of sleep at night.  So far, no consistent luck.  Just once I've been graced with a six-hour nighttime feeding stretch, about a week ago.

Carson's Quirks:
-he's just starting to make some coos and squeals, and he loves being talked and sang to.
-gives us smiles now!!  We have to work pretty hard for them, but he does 'reaction' smiles now, and not just 'I've got gas' or sleeping smiles.
-sometimes, when he's just giving in to sleep, he giggles.  It is by far the cutest thing he does, and I can't NOT laugh out loud when he does it.  I can't wait to hear some 'real' giggles from him!
-is starting to track things more easily with his eyes.
-does not like getting strapped in his carseat, but once we're moving in the car, he's just fine--and almost always falls asleep.
-likes his Nuk, but doesn't need it to sleep at this point. 
-loves to be held up on a shoulder, and his favorite spot is on mo, of course.
-enjoys the Moby wrap... thank goodness!
-fought off his first set of sniffles like a champ!  We only needed to suck boogers and use the saline drops a few times.
-likes to lay on his back, doesn't love tummy time so much just yet.
-stays very calm for a bath in the sink... but does not like the plastic baby tub.  I think he likes being IN the water.  He even took a quick little dip with Coop and Izzy the other night in the big tub :)
-is very patient, for the most part.  He doesn't freak out when he's hungry, he takes a little while to get 'revved' up.  He lets his brother and sister hold him (usually pretty awkwardly) without a fuss.  He will sleep anywhere for now--the crib, the floor, our bed, his cradle, the stroller, the carseat, in anyone's arms :)
-not crazy about the swing, but does spend a little time in the bouncy seat.

I LOVE his little hands!!  They are starting to hold on to more things, and it seems like he is starting to bat at things every now and then. 

And I love how he's beginning to get chubbier with each passing day.  He really is my little hippo.  His double chin gives him away.  He's lost the newborn wrinkles, and they've given over to the start of chubby rolls.  And the cheeks!  I love smooching them every chance I get. 

We've been spending our days as just Mommy and Carson for now.  Starting next week, Cooper and Izzy are going to spend some more time with us at home.  For this first month, though, they've still been going to play at daycare each day.  I am looking forward to hanging out with all three of my kids while I'm on maternity leave ;)

Think he looks like his daddy???

Loving the Moby wrap!

Getting 'measured' by his brother and sister

Carson was baptized on March 1, 2015

Lots of love from Cooper and Izzy

Godparents Adam and Chelsea and Dana

Our newest little blessing!

God Bless Carson Henry

Bath in the sink... Cooper and Izzy are the big helpers

He LOVES it!!!  He's very calm all through the bath :)
A little tummy time each day :)

Monday, March 2, 2015

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary to my one and only.  I love the life we've made together, and I love that I get to share smiles with you every day.

Love you!!


So this happened.  It's the first of many milestones Carson will hit this year... And I wouldn't have thought this one would come quite so soon.  

Behold.  His first blowout in a public place.

In Walmart.  

In a one-piece outfit.  

If I'd have had a scissors, I would have gladly cut it off.  It was out both legs, up the back, and very hard to contain.

All I could do was laugh.  My first-time mom self would have cried, but I took a picture.  My, how things have changed :)

Thank goodness for a well-stocked diaper bag.  It's a good reminder to never leave home without it :)

I Actually Don't Mind...

Sweetest comment of last night... Jeremy said,"I actually don't mind washing all this stuff.  It makes me feel like I can do something since I can't feed him."

Husband of the year right there ladies, and he's all mine :)