Seven months! We have had the best month of playing and hanging out. Carson is still growing like a weed, of course, and it's so fun to watch him learn new things every day.
Carson loves to eat, milk or baby food... Doesn't matter--it seems like he's always hungry! He's been eating a breakfast of oatmeal or rice cereal and fruit and a supper of veggies and fruit. He loves munching on a Mum-mum, and his FAVORITE is having fruit in the net. His baby food loves are carrots, peaches, and sweet potatoes. At home, he's been eating homemade baby food... Hopefully his mom can keep that up once we get on the back-to-school schedule ;)
He's turned into a much better napper. He goes down much easier now, and he stays asleep for long chunks.
Story time is a favorite time for the little dude, and he loves to smack the pages, babble along, and turn the pages when it's time. Oh, and he also loves to chew the corners. Cooper and Izzy get a kick out of watching him learn to love books just like they do :)
Chubbers is so close to sitting up completely without help... And even if he tips over, he does so pretty slowly. For now, I still put a blanket or pillow behind him, but he rarely falls backward. He loves to play on the floor, and now he rolls all over the place. He doesn't stay on his back more than a few seconds it seems. He likes to have someone around him when he's just playing on the floor, and is starting to whine when mom or dad leaves the room. He just wants us to know he loves us, right?!?! His favorite toys are the toys he can chew on, and he always seems to have a line of drool coming out of that mouth when he's playing.
Sleeping on his side or tummy is something new, and every now and then he surprises me by sleeping all night long. But we're still not all night, every night :). I keep reminding myself it will come soon enough!!
Carson is a ticklish little dude-his thighs and sides are the most ticklish and will result in a good old tummy laugh. It's the cutest part of this age I think!!
He has had several full days at daycare now, and Kris is getting to know his personality. Thankfully, he's adjusting just fine! I think the big kids like to play with him on the floor, but they'll be off to school this week :). He gets pretty tired out being there all day long, so he's been ready for bed for sure by 7:30 these days. It doesn't help that 95% of the time he refuses an evening nap...
Being back at work has really made me miss the little dude. My seventh month at home has come to an end. Sending a 7-month-old to daycare is sure more comfortable than sending a two or four-month-old!! And I have a feeling I miss him more than he misses me!
This next month, I'm looking forward to seeing if he'll start putting a little more weight on those chubby little legs. I wonder when crawling will come, but I'm not ready to say I'm looking forward to it... He can just go ahead and stay my baby for a little while longer :). Fall will be a blast I'm sure--crunchy leaves, apple orchards, cool evenings for walks, and maybe a soccer game or two!
(I love his funny expressions!! He's got some goofy, cute looks!!)