After the Children's Program at church, the kids spread out their reindeer food in the yard. (Note the NO snow for Christmas this year... although we did have flurries for a bit!)
I love them so much! Carson's bow tie is just too much! My heart is full.
Christmas Eve means family movie night!
Christmas Morning... those sleepy smiles are the best :)
Here, they're checking out their stockings...
And they all got what the asked for!!!! Carson got a remote control Lightning McQueen, Izzy got a Hatchimal, and Cooper got a sled with some extra mittens.
We also had the kids open their gifts from us.
I love Carson's 'wow' face on this one. I think he actually said, "Are you KIDDING me?!" when he opened up his own set of Legos.
Izzy loved taking care of her Hatchimal egg, and surprisingly, it hatched before we had even left for church!
...and it was TWINS!!
Another family pic on Christmas morning. There miiiiiiight have been some bribery involved to get these smiles...
Izzy spent much of the morning playing with her Barbie camper. She got it from Grandma and Grandpa Kalal, and she loved playing with all the little pieces!
Our kids really, really love playing board games and card games. Surprisingly, Carson is catching on really quickly to most of them. They all got card holders for Christmas, too, so it makes it a lot easier to play!
Monopoly Jr. was a big hit with all of them! Haha, notice the carnage of Christmas in the background?!?
Christmas was amazing. The kids were thankful, happy, and excited for everything. We are grateful for all our blessings!