The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Cooper Tree

I saw this idea somewhere, and LOVED it; long before Cooper was even a glimmer in our eye. The idea is to plant a tree in your yard and take your kid's picture by it each year. Well, we have a Cooper Tree now! Jeremy found us a great Red Maple for the backyard... and although the recent rain nearly toppled it over, it's still standing strong! Once Cooper hits school age, I think I'll use it as the first day of school photo spot, and this will certainly be the only picture with me in it :)

When my sisters and I were growing up at our childhood home in Jordan, we had a Maple tree in the center of the backyard. We never realized until we looked back at photos how much that tree grew while we were kids. So the Cooper Tree is partly nostalgic for me, partly new tradition for the Kalal family! Now the only question is: What to do if we ever move? (I guess we'll worry about that someday when our house is worth more than we owe on it!)

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