The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

11 Months

Our little monster is becoming more and more of a little 'boy' every day.  Here is the big excitement from the crazy past month:
  • Pulling himself up to standing next to furniture.  He wasn't even interested in being on his feet a month ago, and now he makes it look like this is second nature!  Just last night he took his hands off and stood alone for a second... Jeremy and I both clapped and cheered and Cooper looked at us like we were nuts.  Then after he did it a couple more times, he clapped for himself!
  • He loves climbing... he prefers one of his parents as his jungle gym
  • Drinks bathwater from a real cup (and thinks he's pretty cool doing it, too)
  • Says the occasional Mama and Dada.  Mama actually came out for the first time around 9 months a couple times, but then we didn't hear it again for weeks.
  • Sprouted three top teeth and another bottom tooth (two at the very same time is NOT fun)
  • Eats lots of finger foods and is getting better with a spoon
  • Is showing off his sense of independence more and more--temper tantrums, sometimes refusing to be fed, being really difficult for diaper changes... oh the fun has just begun...
  • Talks like a babbling babboon... He has lots of sounds, so words are on the way!
  • Claps
  • Gives kisses
  • Is very cranky that Jeremy put latches on the drawers and doors that he used to have free reign over
  • Drinks soley from a sippy cup at daycare--we're getting close to having only a morning and bedtime bottle
  • Loves reading books more than ever.  Turning the pages is second nature to him and he's doing more 'reading along' as we read to him now.
  • Loves to goof around and be silly
  • Takes a while to warm up to new places and new people
  • Is BUSY... not sure if that's the toddler or the 'boy' coming out in him... maybe a little of both ;)
Only one month to go until that BIG BIRTHDAY!!

This monthly picture-taking is getting more challenging every time!

11 months old

Look what I found, mom!  I love playing in drawers!

This is Jeremy's favorite shirt of his...

Mommy's Boy!

Another trip to Underwater Adventures

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