The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Break, how I LOVE you!

As I write this post, we're lounging on the couch in pj's while Coop takes a long morning nap.  Ahhhh... Christmas break, how I love you!  Although we have not a single gift wrapped or even one of the three 'dishes' prepared for the weekend, we are soaking up this hour of relaxation.  And, hey, it's even snowing outside... but we know it won't last :(

We cannot wait for Cooper's first Christmas!!  He's already attempted unwrapping a couple of gifts, and he loves the paper more than the present-naturally.  He also loves the Christmas tree.  Well, he loves the ornaments and especially the ribbon I so stupidly wrapped around the branches.  At one point, he had the tree spinning in its base by pulling and pulling the ribbon. 

Here are a few pre-Christmas photos to share.  We wish you and your families a happy, healthy, and blessed Christmas. 

 His newest fascination is anything on our head-a block, a rattle, a hat, and in this case, Christmas lights.

Let's unwrap the tree!  And he got himself tangled in it--no help from us!


Merry Christmas 2011

We probably won't be winning any parents-of-the-year contests for letting him play with a string of lights, but he was having fun, there was no harm done, and he looked pretty darn cute :)

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