The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Busy, Busy May

It's been a long time since I've updated!  We have been super busy going to ball games, heading out for nearly-nightly walks and trips to the park, and enjoying the beautiful weather.  Cooper absolutely loves being outside and getting dirty.  He is all boy.  I cannot believe how little we've done to promote his 'boyhood' and how quickly and obviously he gravitates to 'boy' things, especially digging and getting dirty.

When we go to softball games, he pretty much whines the whole time until the game is over and he can get out on the field to rake and dig.  Grandma Lori even bought him his own little plastic rake!

He LOVES the big girls... and they love him just as much :) 
A few weeks ago, Cooper and I tagged along to the Becker tournament, where we watched some ball games (before getting rained out) and spent the night at the same hotel as the team.  No big surprise to us that Cooper loved being in the pool...

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Maddie G. giving Cooper a mohawk.  He rocked it!
Let's see what the girls in the hot tub are doing...

Last week, Cooper and daddy got to spend some quality time at home together.  Our daycare was closed, sadly due to a death in the family.  Cooper was hamming it up for the camera:

I think Cooper LOVED getting some boy time with dad. 

And in a pregnancy update, baby is about 5 inches long.  I can regularly feel him or her moving around in there, usually most often in the evenings when I'm winding down from the day.  I think by this point most strangers can easily tell I'm expecting.  It's fun to start looking pregnant instead of just chubbier :)  We have just a few weeks to go until our ultrasound... at which time we'll hopefully find out if we'll be seeing pink or more blue!

And, in other news: our parenting is being tested these days... our once easygoing, easy-to-please little Cooper is testing his limits along with our patience.  His tantrums are getting just a tad on the ridiculous side, and it seems like he will flip out at the drop of a hat.  I keep thinking if he can learn some more words, the whining and tantrum-throwing will subside.  I've been told otherwise.

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