Cooper, you are 18 months old and the absolute love of our lives. Here's what you've been up to...
Likes: You like being outside, going for walks, puppies, playing in the pool or with the hose, putting shoes on your hands, being goofy (you know how to get us to laugh), books, pushing toy cars around on the floor, helping with jobs around the house, climbing on the couch, watching daddy (or anyone) mow the lawn, watching the weather forecast, going to daycare to play with your friends, pretending to talk on the phone, giving open-mouthed kisses, pointing to your body parts--especially patting your belly :)
Big helper: You love 'helping' with things: loading up your laundry basket, picking out a diaper, throwing something in the garbage, opening-closing-and starting the microwave and dishwasher, vacuuming, wiping the table after meals, putting lotion on yourself
Dislikes: You hate diaper changes, hearing 'No,' when mommy leaves, being out of your normal routine, coloring for more than a scribble or two, wearing hats
Food and Stuff: You love pizza, all kinds of fruit; you like cheese, broccoli, corn, black beans, eating with a fork, Goldfish crackers, yogurt melts, and pretty much anything with ketchup on it. You dislike other sauces or dressings, eggs, and not too much else!
Words: You haven't hit the 'language explosion' stage quite yet, but more and more words are getting close, and you've been trying to repeat after us more and more. We can tell you're really concentrating when you listen to us talking. You clearly say mommy, daddy, puppy, Jackie, and baby.
Your dad and I can understand much more of your toddler-speak: Ere go? (For "Where did it go?"), bird, please, all gone, keys, outside
Your dad and I can understand much more of your toddler-speak: Ere go? (For "Where did it go?"), bird, please, all gone, keys, outside
Books: I could not just put that you love books without really explaining this for future reference. You don't just love books. Your are pretty much obsessed with story time (in a super-cute, great way). We have books spread all throughout the house, and that means you will pick one up at any time and march over to one of us to read... no matter the time of day. You love plopping down in a lap to cozy up for the book, and you turn the pages like a madman, although you're always patient enough to hear all the words on the page. It's rare that you don't listen to an entire story in a sitting. Actually, it's rare that we only read you one book in a sitting. It's usually several in a row. We are amazed at your attention span when it comes to books! I cannot even list your favorite books because you have so many, but this week, we've read "The Wheels on the Bus" no less than forty times. You are also getting really good at identifying objects in books. When we ask you to point to things, you can find lots of common objects! We're still working on animal noises, but you've been working hard to get out a 'woof' and a 'moo.'
Growing: You have really started stretching out--lots of people say you look tall for your age, you are somewhere in the 26 lb. range, still have a big head and a skinny little midsection; wear size 4 diapers, size 5 shoes, and 18 mo. clothes fit perfect right now. You sleep about 11 hours each night and take one 2-3 hour nap each afternoon. Your 18 mo. checkup is not for a few more weeks... more shots :( You have been very healthy for the past few months!!
Teeth: You have not sprouted a new tooth in months--a break for mom and dad!! We're waiting for your upper and lower fangs to pop soon... they are generally expected around 18 mo.
Odds 'n' Ends: You still take a Nuk at naptime and bedtime... and church. You are learning how to stay quietly busy at church! It's been a challenge. You love having a routine and get cranky when we switch things up on you. You are shy in new places, but usually warm up pretty quickly, as long as mom or dad are close by. Your goofy personality is becoming more evident with each passing day. You love making us laugh, and your own belly laugh is infectious! You make us smile every single day.
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