The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Friday, August 2, 2013

9 Month Update

Our little Izzy Girl is becoming less of a baby every day!  She is soooo very curious about everything, which is both fun and challenging :)

Here's a quick taste of what's up with Izzy these days:

-17 lb. 7 oz (36th %ile) and 27.5 inches tall (42nd %ile)... and lots of brains in that head, which measures in the 95th %ile.  It's a wonder she can hold that noggin up! She's still rockin size 3 diapers and is close to switching up to size 12 mo. clothes.
-Loves to slap things--side of the tub, table, high chair, crib mattress, kitchen floor, mom's arms in the middle of the night, faces, dad's bald head, etc., etc., etc.  She loves the smacking sound, and feels oh-so-proud that she's making the sounds on her own terms.
-Pulls up to standing and has just started 'cruising'.  It took her a little while to figure out that her feet can move!  She will even take a few steps while holding onto our fingers for support.  She still isn't really confident about getting down from standing, and her forehead has a couple of big bruises to show for it :(
-Is a very confident crawler.  She is proud to carry something in her hand or mouth now as she crawls from place to place.  She loves to crawl over people or limbs.  Nothing gets in her way these days!
-Will not sit still in the tub.  She wants to crawl, splash, climb, and grab.  It is like a circus side-show with our two crazy kids during bath time these days.
-Popped out her first word this month: dada.  Even after months and months of hearing 'mama, mama, mama' from a certain someone, the subliminal messages didn't seem to do the trick.  Daddy is very proud.  She gets in a jabbering mood a few times a day, and there's no stopping her.  If she's not in the 'mood' though, she's still quiet as a mouse.
-Is starting to realize she can follow us to other rooms, and that we're not really 'gone' when we walk away.
-Knows what some key words mean now: mommy, daddy, Cooper, water, milk, and bath time.  It's so fun to see her clearly settling down for certain words, or getting excited for others (especially anytime Cooper is mentioned!!).
-Likes to empty every toy out of the living room toy bin and empty the book shelf of every book.  Fun.
-Loves to play peek-a-boo, So Big, Itsy-Bitsy Spider, Patty Cake, Head and Shoulders, and chase games.  She is a music girl--she bounces on her little legs when music is playing and the smiles come out in full force!
-Speaking of smiles, they are still easy to come by.  She is such a happy baby!!
-Inconsistent sleeper.  This month brought back nighttime wakings.  We think it has to do with her very strong separation anxiety.  Stay tuned as the current score is Izzy=1, Mommy=2 for the last three nights. However, her "1" should be worth more, as it was a full three hours of party time in the middle of the night!!
-Is a total mommy's girl.  And I don't mind one. little. bit. (Except after hour two in the middle of the night).
 -Turns pages in books!  She really loves interactive books where she can wiggle or move things.
-No teeth!  Not even a shade of them coming, either. Weird.
-Is getting better with finger foods, and is gagging less and less each week.  She still prefers very smooth purees, but is really getting excited for Cheerios, little bits of fruit or bread, and crackers.  Maybe when a couple teeth come, we'll get a little more adventurous with food.  And maybe the sensitive gag reflex will wither away!
-Likes to feel different textures like daddy's head and a puppy's fur.

I love it that she's a little individual, and I love her similarities and differences as compared to her big brother.  She is definitely her own little person, and it's so fun to see her growing and changing with each passing day.  Although some mornings it's hard to see through the fog of my own sleepiness, if better nighttime sleep from her meant trading the 'daytime' baby she is, I wouldn't do it!  Izzy is such a happy, energetic, and sweet baby girl... and I love every single little thing about her.  And I am working so hard to soak up the BABY that she is, because it dawned on me the other day that her first birthday is only a few months away!!!  Eeeeek!

We love you, Izzy Girl! 

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