The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy Birthday, Big Girl!!

Happy Birthday to our sweet little Izzy!  We had a really fun weekend... her official birthday was on Friday, so we let her dig into a 'practice' cupcake.    She LOVED it.

We had her party on Sunday night.  She woke up from her nap to a bedroom full of balloons.  She wasn't really sure what to think... But decided she liked them!

Now that this big girl is walking, she needed to show off just a little... walking AND holding two pickles.  That's talent.

Cakes, made with love, by mommy
 Izzy's big brother had fun celebrating, too.  He loved raspberries... on every single finger.
 Izzy's favorite foods for her birthday meal: meat and potatoes.

Cooper helped open some presents

In true one-year-old fashion, she loved the tissue and paper most.

This one certainly got her attention!

Mom, Dad, and Izzy

Cooper helped blow out the candle. 

And... THE CAKE!

YES!  I loooooove cake!

So Big!

Already learning to be a good sharer

I'm ONE!

The cake carnage

And a good soak to end the night... thanks everyone for a fun night!!!

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