The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Softball season ends...

The end of the season is always so bittersweet, and this season was no exception.  Maybe a little more bitter than sweet...

I didn't take a ton of pics this season--mostly because the kids were always busy playing off in the dirt somewhere away from the game, and it was always so stinkin cold!  Once the weather finally warmed up, it was playoff time!  The Tigers gave it quite a go, but came up a few games short of the state tournament.

The last event of the season, the 100 Inning Marathon, took place on Friday night.  The kids had a blast, and Cooper even got to hit once and play in the outfield.

Jeremy broke the news to his team that he will not be able to coach anymore.  The girls took the news pretty hard, and there were lots of tears.  Jeremy decided he just can't keep up the three-month marathon when his body feels so crummy.  Although he's still getting to know this whole MS thing (more on that in another post some other day), he has learned quickly that stress plays an enormous role in how he feels on a daily basis.  Not that everything about coaching is stressful, but too much of it is.  He came home from his Memorial weekend playoff Saturday, and he felt like he could hardly move.  He was hurting.  He knows for his own good, he has to make some of these tough decisions about how to control his symptoms when possible.

So that's the 'more bitter than sweet' part.  One bright spot in his weekend, though, was the thought that maybe he could still coach the girls for domeball in the winter.  That wouldn't be even close to the same commitment or stress level!!  We'll see what happens...

So here's a look back on the season:

Cooper's first bus ride.  He LOVED riding home with the girls from LeSeuer

A rainy, cold night... but they found fun--like always!

Laying in the dirt is fun, too!

A DQ treat with the girls after the game

Izzy's got her buckets and shovels ready to play! Yeah for SHORTS and a T-SHIRT!
In the sandbox at Caswell while we were 'watching' the girls play ball.

Last game announcements
Dad's biggest fans
He made us proud!!  First swing--GREAT hit!  On the field with the pink team!
Hi-fives from the girls

Playing catch with Maddie
The girls who made it all 100 Innings!

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