The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Camera Phone Share

I about had a heart attack thinking I lost our camera, so for a week and a half, I had I only my camera on my phone.  Not cool. But regardless, here's a little of what my good camera missed over the last couple weeks...  (Makes me realize I'm not ready to replace the brick, I mean camera, just yet!!)

A popsicle-kind-of-night!

Carrots from the garden for the horses down the street

"Horses... we got some carrots for ya!"  Maybe next time...

Derby season is here.  Cooper loves taking a ride, but Izzy's not too sure just yet.  She does say "Doh-bee Cow" though!

Catching baby froggies or "baby fwoggies" as Izzy calls them

Yes, I can cook something from scratch.  These blueberry muffins would fetch me a blue ribbon I bet!

That's my boy!  Clipping coupons with mom!

Yummy wasssbawies on her fingoes

A sand angel on a chilly July visit to the park

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