The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Harvest

A smattering of our summer's worth of harvest...  Jeremy took great care of the garden with the help of his two best helpers :)  The kids love helping out there, and it's so fun to give them the experience of growing their own food.  The only thing they don't like to eat out of there are the onions and tomatoes...

Every year, we say we're going to keep track of what comes out of the garden, and every year, we forget in the excitement of the harvest.  Although everything was pretty late this year due to the cold spring and the very wet June, the only thing we did not have good luck with was the lettuce.  Not too bad, if you ask me.  I think Grandpa Henry would be proud!

Yum Yum (Look at those faces of concentration!!)

Broccoli tastes SO different and is so much bigger than in the store!

Peas take a lot of work to eat, but they sure are good!

Not a bad day...

Bringing carrots to the horses down the street

Berry fingers

HEAVY buckets of tomatoes!
Izzy loved pulling onions
Our BIG watermelon (one of five that we pulled!)
Cooper loved walking through the 'dill forest'
He's a wee bit excited about this melon!

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