The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Soon We'll Be a Family of Five...

It won't be long now... and we'll be a family of five!  This pregnancy has gone by so quickly, and it's hard to believe baby is almost ready to meet us.  This past week, I've been feeling relatively good, compared to how I've felt over the past couple of months... this baby is wreaking havoc on my body--but it's more than worth it, knowing the payoff we'll get at the end :)  We've planned, prepped, and waited, and now we just need to meet the sweet little bundle of joy.

The kids have been helping us get the house ready for baby's arrival.  They've been seeing more baby 'things' appear around the house, and the questions have begun... especially from Cooper.  Their lives are about to change in a pretty incredible way!!

Cooper and Izzy have been very excited.  This video was shot about a week ago, right before bedtime.

Putting together the swing

Big helpers

Goodnight to our baby!!

My 'three' babies!

Dear Izzy,
We love the little lady that you are becoming, and turning into a big sister is going to make you seem instantly older :)  Having you as our 'baby' for the last two years has brought us so much laughter and joy.  Your personality makes you well-suited to be the middle child.  You won't let anyone forget that you are here, and you will always stand your ground.  You are strong-willed and independent, as well as too smart for your own good.  All qualities that will serve you well as you take on the big-sister role.  Your sweet, snuggly side will always be my weakness.  And don't worry, Izz.  Even after the baby is here, I will still want to snuggle with you any chance I can get.  I think you are going to be a great helper, as long as you are in the 'mood' for it.  I can't wait to see you help us welcome the new baby into our family.  I love you, little lady!!

Dear Cooper,
Our bud, our big guy, and the sweetest little 4-year-old we know.  I can't wait to see you welcome our new baby with your sweet little kisses, and I know you are going to love holding him or her.   You are going to be a big brother again!!  And I'm sure you'll be just as wonderful with a new sibling as you were when Izzy came into our family.  You love talking to the baby now, I can't imagine how much you'll love talking to the baby once he or she joins our family.  Being four, you are very aware of everything going on--and you've been asking all sorts of questions.  I can't wait to see your excitement when you meet us at the hospital on the day your new brother or sister is born.  I can't wait to hear what you'll say and see what you'll do.  You are going to be an awesome big brother again, and you'll set a great example for Izzy to follow :)  We love you, Cooper!!

This past week and weekend, we tried to spend lots of quality family time together doing some of our favorite things... going to the zoo, playing outside, and hanging out together...

Best buddies at the Zoo

Practicing her winking

Daddy's boy

Cushion jumping


Easily entertained :)
Fresh snow... finally!!!

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