The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

9 Month Update

How is this kid already 9 months old!?!?  We love this soft and squishy little dude so much!  The 'baby' in him is getting harder and harder to see each day... 

Carson is a very happy, very content, very smiley little guy.  His giggles are pretty easy to get, and he is very ticklish. Big smiles come out whenever he peeks around the corner at one of us, when he looks in the mirror, and when he sees food.  I also LOVE picking him up from daycare--he jumps up and down in Kris's arms and I get an ear-to-ear smile.  Cooper still seems to get his very best smiles and giggles!

The biggest excitement this month was Carson learning to crawl forward.  He'd been stuck in reverse for weeks, and finally figured it out!!  He was lured by remote controls and musical toys :). Now he is a crawling machine, getting into everything... Earning himself the name 'Baby Godzilla.'  Crawling has opened up a whole new world for him... He is even happier and more content than he's always been.  He also can get himself from laying to crawling to sitting, and just once, he pulled up to standing by the couch.  Otherwise, he has absolutely zero interest in standing on his own two feet.  I think he's just a bit of a lazy little bum for now.

His current favorites include watching Homer (grandma and grandpa Kalal's dog), swinging in the yard or at the park, crunching paper (weirdo!!), sitting up and splashing and kicking during bath time, and smacking his hands on the kitchen floor.  

Carson likes to babble, and is just starting to make some real sounds.  A whiny 'maaaamaaaaa' was what I count as his first word:).  It seems mama only comes out when he's whining or when I've left the room!  A few dada's have also popped out:)  Cooper is DYING for Carson to say 'Cooper.'  He keeps trying to have him say 'Coo Coo.'  No luck yet! Carson tecognizes his name, and he recognizes all of our voices... I think he's starting to get the hang of a few baby signs, too!  He has a FIERCE 'no' head shake.  It's hilarious and extremely frustrating at the very same time.

For monthly stats, he's in 12-month clothes, just into size 4 diapers, weighs 21 lbs. 3 oz. (76%ile), is 28.5 in tall (57%ile), and his big brains take up 47.1 cm (95%ile).  We have some big-headed, smart babies!!!  He nurses four times a day (sometimes 5) and eats two baby food meals a day.  He sleeps about ten or eleven hours a night and takes one good nap of 2-3 hours.  Carson is still inconsistent with night wakings... But is sitting at about 50/50 :). If he wakes, I end up feeding him to get back to sleep.

Carson looooves to eat food... His favorites are squash and pears, but he eats pretty much anything.  He really likes to be able to feed himself... He does well with finger foods, but I don't like to get too adventurous yet since he still has no teeth.  His favorite finger foods are Brocolli and graham crackers.  He is certainly trying our determination, because he's less and less interested in baby food purees and more and more interested in finger foods.  But with a pretty  limited 'menu,' he doesn't end up getting a full meal in by finger food just yet.

This little boy has stolen my heart.  He is the sweetest, softest little snuggler, and a total Mommy's boy.  His cheeks are getting smaller, so I try to cover them in kisses every chance I get :)

We love you, little Carson.  Would you please stop growing so fast!?!?!?!

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