The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ten Year Anniversary

We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary this year!

We've spent half our lives together now... We started dating sixteen years ago, and the years just keep getting better :)

Jeremy planned a weekend stay at a hotel for us, and we spent the weekend shopping, dining out, sitting in the hot tub, working out together, and even taking a nap!  It was really, really nice to spend time just us.  No distractions.  

Happy Anniversary, babe... Many more to come!

Heat Wave!

Heat wave in February!!

Mankato Children's Museum

We tried out the Mankato Children's Museum for the first time, and it was awesome!  The kids could have played for HOURS!  There was something for each of the three of them to do at all times, and the place was small enough that we didn't lose track of anyone :). We'll be going back!!

Squishy Face

A peek at the little squishy-face.  At just over one-year-old, he is showing more of his curiosity, personality, and even more cuteness!!

So close to walking!

He looooves books!  He likes to 'talk' along while we read.  My favorite is how he anticipates the action in his favorite stories now!

I just love watching this dude sleep--not sure how butt-up is comfy, but he sure seems to like it!

He likes to grab for his own books, too!

Mommy's boy!

Brothers hanging in the tub

More Cold Fun

We love Minnesota, and we love winter... Especially when it's such a warm winter like this year!  Although we didn't get much snow, we took full advantage of the storms we did get :)

Carson is still not too sure about the snow... But he tolerates the puffy layers for at least a little while.  We did have a few times of getting outside all together!

Carson liked sled rides!

Okay, I'll smile for you, mom... But just a little one!


Big kid date: Snow Tubing!

They had a BLAST.  Although it was expensive, it was with every penny.  Their smiles, squeals, screams, and giggles were priceless.  It was a very memorable and fun day!

A couple days later, we got dumped on!  This was the drift on the side of our house...

And the snow bank after snow blowing the driveway.

The kids wanted to build a wall.  So we (well mostly me) stuffed and stacked the bricks...

And as soon as I got a picture, these nuts knocked it right over!

Everyone loves to complain about winter, but we LOVED it this year!  Now only if we could have had a snow day...  :)

God Bless Ada Lou!

I am honored and blessed to be this precious girl's Godmother!  Nicole and Justin have always been like family since I met them 14 years ago...

But I guess this means they're okay with my influence on their baby girl ;)

Ada did great on her January 31st Baptism--from cooperating with her adjusted schedule, to being calm during the whole service, to very little squirming in that slippery little gown...  I loved snuggling her!

God bless you, sweet girl!

As a side note, it's so much fun watching two people I know and love so well corral three little cherubs:). They did it with grace AND smiles!  Love you both!