The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

More Cold Fun

We love Minnesota, and we love winter... Especially when it's such a warm winter like this year!  Although we didn't get much snow, we took full advantage of the storms we did get :)

Carson is still not too sure about the snow... But he tolerates the puffy layers for at least a little while.  We did have a few times of getting outside all together!

Carson liked sled rides!

Okay, I'll smile for you, mom... But just a little one!


Big kid date: Snow Tubing!

They had a BLAST.  Although it was expensive, it was with every penny.  Their smiles, squeals, screams, and giggles were priceless.  It was a very memorable and fun day!

A couple days later, we got dumped on!  This was the drift on the side of our house...

And the snow bank after snow blowing the driveway.

The kids wanted to build a wall.  So we (well mostly me) stuffed and stacked the bricks...

And as soon as I got a picture, these nuts knocked it right over!

Everyone loves to complain about winter, but we LOVED it this year!  Now only if we could have had a snow day...  :)

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