The Fair is finally over for another year, and I get all of August to enjoy with my boys! I feel like I was just transported back to my normal life after 'missing' a week of it. The three of us are heading down to Cannon Falls to camp for a couple of nights. Hopefully the weather is good to us and we can bike, swim, and take some walks!
In other news... We received a package in the mail yesterday with Cooper's six-month photos. Our very talented friend, Nicole, of My Friends Photography, captured some memorable shots of Cooper and of our little family. Thanks, Nicole, for your BEAUTIFUL work! You have truly captured our little guy's emerging personality. Here is a sneak peek at a few:
But now that he's SEVEN months old already, it's time for an update :) Here's what Cooper's been amazing us with these days:
-Sleeping better now... going to sleep on his own again-finally:) Weirdly, he seems to prefer side sleeping or belly sleeping these days
-Slept in until 8 am a few times (of course when Jeremy was on morning duty)
-Gets frustrated when he slams into the crib rails while rolling over-just hasn't figured out to go the other way yet
-Eating two solid meals a day - breakfast is cereal and a fruit serving, supper is a veggie serving and a fruit serving
-Loves my cooking (for now!). I make his baby food... SUPER easy, and he loves it! His current favorites are green beans and mangoes.
-Eating crackers. Well, maybe EATING is a bit of an embellishment... he loves chewing on them and is learning to get more in his mouth
-Barrel rolling across the room
-Sitting up nearly unassisted. He topples over every now and then, but he's pretty close to being deemed "A Sitter"
-Babbling more every day. No words yet, but I hope "mama" is coming soon!
-No teeth yet (and no complaints from me since nursing is still going so well!)
-Loves being outdoors... going for stroller rides, splashing in the pool, watching the birds from on the deck, walking around the yard, and camping
-Lots of chuckles:)
Here's the monthly pic... you can see our monthly photo session quickly turned into a rolling session.
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