The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

8 Month Update

Cooper is nearly 2/3 of a year old :) He has officially entered his 8th month, and life continues to get more and more thrilling for him (and us). This month has included lots of new and fun things:

-That pincer grasp is coming along! Those little Puffs better watch out...
-Cooper loves helping feed himself--he grabs the spoon and loves examining and licking food off his own little fingers.
-Lots of 'rocking' on his hands and knees. His only gear is reverse, however. He does a little slithering, but only backward. He hasn't figured out what to do with his hands just yet.
-The little shyster loves playing games, especially lots of variations of Peek-a-Boo. Another favorite is our family chase around the kitchen island. It's a fail-proof way to get Cooper laughing like crazy.
-Our newest little nightly tradition is a laugh attack after bath time. Jeremy can really get Cooper going--and I mean REALLY. I hope I can get it on video one of these days.
-He is chewing on EVERYTHING... But still no chompers.
-He is ready for teeth, however... he's been practicing with his new toothbrush!
-We've heard "mom" and "da" but they seem to be purely on accident ;) Lots of chatter and jabbering!!
-Diaper changes are nearly impossible these days without a three-ring circus to keep our little Harry Houdini distracted. He is now regularly changed and dressed on the floor instead of the changing table.
-His Jumperoo is on the highest height adjustment, and Cooper still finds a way to get 'air' once he really gets going.
-Big boy baths! Cooper is sitting up in the tub now, so bathtime is so much more fun!

Some fun pictures from this month:

Practicing with his Winnie the Pooh toothbrush

More fun in the pool

Big Boy Bathtime!!

8 months old!

Well, it's that time of year again, and back to the grindstone. For all you non-teachers out there, I know you have no sympathy for us, but it was such a bittersweet day. It's time to get back to adult interaction. It's time to get back to using those two expensive degrees we both earned. It's time to get back to a daily routine. It's time to welcome a new group of excited and nervous kids. But it just doesn't feel like summer is ever long enough!

In my motherly guilt tonight, I thought I should share my thoughts with Cooper:

Dear Cooper,
I'm just not ready for it to be time to send you back to daycare :( I knew you would have a rough day today, and you didn't prove me wrong. You're not used to the noise, getting up that early, sharing your caregiver, or napping somewhere other than your crib. For you, EVERYTHING is different, and I know that. I am sorry I cannot stay home and provide for your every need, but I am banking on the fact that you are resilient, and I'll count on you being more flexible than I give you credit for. I just want to fast-forward to the day (hopefully SOON) when Kris will say, "Well, today was a great day!" I thought about you all day today. I was counting the minutes to 3:30. Sadly, when I arrived to pick you up, your face said, "Get me out of here!!" and your crocodile tears said even more. I just hate to see that sad little face. It makes me feel like a terrible mom. Someday soon you'll love going to daycare to play all day. Someday soon we'll laugh at this day. Someday soon I'll be sad that you enjoy daycare more than your boring old mommy. Until that day, I'll send you off with a kiss and think about you every minute. I promise!

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