The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Whew!  We survived the whirlwind of five Christmas get-togethers, and we're all in one piece:)  It was a really fun five days, but a touch on the tiring side!  Hang on, because this might be the longest blog post I've ever written...

And it all began with a traumatic visit to see the Big Guy in Red... aka "Senta" as Cooper would say.  We tried to visit him Thursday night, and naturally, the line was 1 1/2 hours long.  So we decided to try again the next morning.  Thankfully, Jackie agreed to come on the adventure since Jeremy was working, AND the line was really short.  Cooper was all excited and was talking a big game... reminding me that Santa says, "He, ho..."  even getting giddy when we reminded him it was almost his turn... and then here's what happened when I set him on Santa's lap:

I think it's safe to say Cooper was a little scared.  Izzy, on the other hand, thought nothing of it :)  The 'elf' taking photos even whispered to her elf helper, "Wow, that's a loud one!"  She was trying to get Cooper's attention to get a smile (I don't know what she was thinking), all the while Cooper was wriggling away from Santa, trying with all his might to bolt.  It does make me sort of happy knowing if a stranger would try to snatch Cooper away, every person in the five-state area would hear his shrieking.

The festivities began on Friday night at Mom and Kevin's.  And in true Auntie and Grandma fashion, Cooper and Izzy were spoiled to pieces.
This is Cooper's stack, pre-demolition.

A Napa Truck!
Cooper totally 'got' the concept of opening presents this year, but he got fixated on each new gift he opened, which made for a very time-consuming process.  We think all the gifts and excited family were maybe a little sensory-overload, because he had to take a couple of breaks to cheer up.
Gotta get EVERY piece of paper off the box!

Checking out the weight restrictions on the new table
If we thought the fun was over after presents, we were wrong.  Cooper graced us with some new dance moves for the holidays.

Holiday party #2 took place at Dad and Chris's house.  Again, the kids were spoiled beyond belief.  But this time, Cooper was ready!

Chillin with his Aunties

Dana and Izzy

Dan helping Cooper with another cool truck

Checking out the new stools

Amanda and Izzy
Chris had a fun twist on the night for the adults, too.  We played all sorts of different games and the winners got to pick out some random, yet cool, prizes.  Jeremy chose a verrrrry tall bottle of wine (thanks, hun!) and I chose a set of cooling racks (for all the baking I do these days! Hahah).  It was a thoughtful and fun way to celebrate and put our competitive spirits to work!

Holiday party #3 was at Great Grandma Betty's on Sunday.  I am thrilled that while we were passing some time after church at the Kalal's, we got a great family Christmas photo.  We had been trying each day, (and even every day after) and this is the best one :)

Our new family of four-Christmas 2012

Mommy and Izzy

Mr. Funny Man at the dinner table
This gathering consisted mostly of eating and visiting.  Just one present from Great-Grandma, and that was JUST fine.  Cooper had a blast playing with his second cousins.  There are EIGHT second cousins all within 3 1/2 years of each other.  Needless to say, the holiday gatherings have taken on a new 'feel.'

That night, Amanda and Dan stayed at our house, and we built a Gingerbread house with Coop.  He was doing pretty good with putting candy ON the house...

And then his self-control flew out the window.

Holiday party #4 was Christmas Eve at Papa and Googoo's house (Grandpa Gary and Grandma Lori's).  We got to take the presents in stages for this one, since we headed to church after supper.  If there was any thought the gifts would all be opened before dinner, that was quickly proved wrong. 

The notorious bowling set.
The bowling set was notorious only because it caused quite a few tears.  Cooper loved it so much, he didn't want anything to do with any of his other million presents.

A cool new shovel!
 But finally, we got him to agree to a few more.

Our little Cowboy
Inspecting his cool new horse
In true Izzy fashion, she slept through most of the gift-opening.

Before church, we tried for another family photo.  This is my personal favorite.  It's a realistic picture of our life right now ;)

Merry Christmas, take 1

Merry Christmas, take 2... that's a little better
 When we got back from church, more presents.  This time, it was a little faster.

Taking his tractor for a ride in his new sled

And Merry 1st Christmas to our Sweet Little Izzy.  You have filled our lives with more joy and our hearts with more love than we thought they could hold.

The cutest gift under the tree!

Mommy's Girl

Izzy's First Christmas 2012
 Christmas morning, we went to church together, and had the whole morning just to ourselves.  Cooper discovered that Santa came...
He was very concerned about the half-eaten cookies
But he was excited about this odd-shaped gift

Daddy and Izzy, Christmas morning

Izzy checking out one of her new toys

Cooper reading a new book

Enjoying all the gifts... including Izzy's!
Christmas afternoon, we headed to Jeremy's great aunt and uncle's house, where Cooper reminded us why we call him the human tornado.  He was BUSY and went from one thing to the next, keeping us on our toes in a new place for him to explore.

What a crazy-busy, but WONDERFUL weekend.  This Christmas was so much fun--we loved watching Cooper's excitement and goofiness and we cherished our snuggles with Izzy on her very first Christmas.  The presents are great, but what I loved most of all was spending time with family, especially our own family of four.  I am reminded of what an amazing blessing it is to have a happy and healthy family.  What more could a person ask for!?

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