It just seemed too perfect not to start this post out with this cheesy smile from Cooper. He's finally started saying, "Cheese" for photos, and this afternoon a couple weeks ago was a particularly goofy afternoon. You can just barely see his turkey feather headband from daycare. It's been floating around our house just WAITING for Cooper to put it on and pose for a photo :)
It has been way too long since I last updated. Hard to believe I'm home during the day and I still can't find ten minutes to update more often. But I've been doing lots of snuggling and lots of playing with my babies, so I guess I don't feel too guilty...
Little Miss Izzy is ALL smiles. This girl loves to show off her shiny little gums and her cute little dimples. This particular morning, I took snapshots here and there during her smile-and-chatting session that lasted nearly fifteen minutes. Pure love!
And, she LOVES to talk to us!!! It's the CUTEST thing! At three weeks, Izzy was cooing, and at only five weeks old, Izzy started having 'conversations' with us! She loves to squeal, sigh, and just plain chatter in her sweet little baby voice. Here's a little clip from December 4. Izzy's 5 1/2 weeks old. She's in her favorite talking spot: on the changing table.
Here's some of the fun from December at the Kalal's:
Rearranging the pots and pans... again.
A catcher-in-training. He's got a little growing to do.
Our first snow... just a dusting, but boy--did this little guy enjoy discovering what this white stuff is all about.
And then the REAL snow came!!!
Mom and Dad both got a turn playing outside with Coop. Being pulled in the sled was his favorite!
Finally, after waiting and waiting, Cooper got to experience some real snow! Last year, since Mother Nature decided to skip over winter, he really never got to play in the any substantial snow. So we took full advantage of the first, heavy, sticky snow. Cooper got pulled in the sled, built a snowman, and crawled around in snow piles. His little hands HAD to be freezing, but he still threw a fit when it was time to head inside.
Milk Drunk
Getting stronger every day! Dec. 19, 2012
And although I'm by no means 'counting' this as Izzy's first roll, today as Izzy was perched just like this, I headed to the kitchen to grab the camera. I turned around for maybe three seconds, and when I turned back around--she was on her back! Of course, I tried to get her to repeat this magic act, but to no avail. You know what we'll be practicing tomorrow ;)
More smiles! I just love to kiss these chubby little cheeks all day long!!!
Merry Christmas, everyone!! Doesn't she look like a little elf!?
And, like all the other parents in this world, I hugged my babies a little longer and a little tighter this past weekend after hearing the heartbreaking and unfathomable news from Newtown, Connecticut. My heart aches for those families who lost a child to this unspeakable tragedy. Although we will never understand how or why someone could do that, we need to raise our prayers for hope and peace to be returned to our country. It makes me sad that our children need to worry and wonder if something like that could ever happen to them. It isn't right.
Saturday, an amazing man was laid to rest... Jeremy's good friend Matt Shetka passed away last week. It was a really tough week for Jeremy and will continue to be a tough school year. Matt was one of the guys Jeremy always spoke so highly of. They loved golfing together in the summer, and after working on the same team for five years, they spent many a prep time at school talking about God-knows-what. I know Jeremy looked up to Matt and will always fondly remember the great man, amazing example, and stellar teacher Matt was.
Christmas is nearly here, and the whirlwind is about to begin... over the next six days, we have six events or parties to attend. I can't decide if it's going to be better to have them spread out, or really stink to pack up six times... to be continued.
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