The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Izzy is 3 months old!

Izzy is 3 months old... and I swear she gets cuter by the minute :)

 Growing like a weed
She definitely went through a big growth spurt this month... it was like she grew out of her 3-month sleepers overnight!  The girl is long and lean, except for her milk belly and chubby cheeks.  She's almost graduated out of her size one diapers, and most of her 3-month clothes are pretty snug.  Her hair is growing a lot, too!  She has a wild 'tuft' in the back which never seems to lay just right.  Up front, you can see the blonde coming in, which of course, makes me so happy.

Eating great
Still a good eater, although she's beginning to enter the distracted phase.  She likes to turn her head if she hears daddy's or Cooper's voice, and leave milk pouring down her cheek.  She has taken a few bottles from me, which was really weird... for both of us I think.  She looked at me with the most peculiar little expression on her face, but must have decided that milk was milk, no matter how she was getting it.  She eats five or six times a day, which is still roughly every three hours.  Now, she won't eat if she's not hungry... which makes for some scheduling challenges every now and then.  But it's not a bad thing, just an 'Izzy thing.' 

Sleeping very well
She has a new bedtime since last month, and we have set up a nightly bedtime routine with stories, snuggles, and feeding--now she goes down between 8 and 8:30, and usually sleeps until somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30, and then she's up for the day.  Although it's early for me since I'm still home on maternity leave, it's a perfect routine to be getting in for when I have to return to work.  We'll see if this pattern continues (who am I kidding?!?!). She sleeps in her crib, and still likes to be velcroed in tight to her sleep sack.  Napping is not her strong suit... she likes to cat-nap for 30-45 minutes, which is currently driving her mother crazy. It's no secret when she's tired, though... it's one of two things she will cry for (the other being hungry). 

She loves "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" on her belly, cooing, smiling, blowing bubbles, and her newest favorite is squealing.  Sometimes I think she surprises herself with her loud voice!  Really likes to be held outward now that she has such good head control.  She still likes to be a part of the action.  Has a preference for mommy at the moment.  She is starting to 'play' with toys now, and will often grab them in her hands and bring them to her mouth.  Her favorite toy is a 'crinkly' cow.  Cooper loves when she holds his hand or takes a rattle from him.  Her favorite spot is her changing table, which was her brother's too... it's where she gets her best chatting and smiling done.

Other Fun...
She likes when we hold her in a sitting-up position.  She actually looks proud :)  She now likes the Bumbo seat, too.  She's so strong!  She is really arching her back sometimes when she's laying on her back... we wonder when she'll be rolling from back to front?!?  Looks like she's going to keep those gorgeous blue eyes (thanks to her daddy!).  She smiles with her whole face... eyes get squinty, mouth goes wide, dimples come out, and her cheeks puff up.  She's also starting to blow raspberries--and is trying to imitate us when we do it.  Her tongue is always 'going!'  No giggle-attacks yet, but she does chuckle every now and then.  A few nicknames are sticking now: Smiley, Izzy-Girl, and Sweetie.  She's now reaching out toward the pages in books on her own... I know she'll be turning those pages in no time!  She even 'reads' some of the books with me!

We cannot believe she is 1/4 of a year old already!  She is becoming more and more of a little person each day... 
You want me to nap?!?!?!  You must be trippin' lady!

Trying on Cooper's glasses and slippers

She smiles with her WHOLE face!

Big brother being a big helper

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