The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The New Cry

So I have learned what Izzy's various cries mean... I know the hungry whine, the tired cry, the pissed-off howl, and the "I'm bored" cranking.  Today I was introduced to the Pain Scream.  Broke. My. Heart.  When Cooper was this little, Jeremy came to all his check-ups, but for Izzy's 2-month appointment, I was flying solo.  I prepared myself for the 'silent scream' that we saw in Cooper (you know, huge scream face, but no sounds until a few seconds have passed?).  But it wasn't a silent scream at all.  It was all-out bawling from the minute the needle hit her leg.  Being that I'm not a first-timer anymore, I thought I could handle Izzy's pain a little better... but I still teared up after the nurses left the room and Izzy continued to sob.  Her sobs slowly turned to sad little whimpers, which might have been even worse.  We know she's a little dramatic, but her big fat bottom lip was in all its glory this morning!  Maybe it's that Izzy cries so rarely that it was hard for me.  It usually takes no more than a couple minutes to get her settled down, and this post-shot settling seemed to take forever!

Sorry, honey.  At least you'll never remember this.  My fingers are crossed that you don't run a three-day fever like your brother always did with his shots...

Right now, she's snoozing peacefully, but it took twenty minutes of rocking for her eyes to roll back and her whimpers to subside.

At her visit today, I learned that she weighs 12 lbs. 8 oz (75 %ile), is 23 inches long (57%ile) and has a head circumference of 43 cm (75%ile).  I also was reminded that 20-40 minute cat-naps are very common at this age (there are the lucky few who don't experience this), and there's little we can do to snap Izzy out of this 'fun' little habit she's settled in to... she'll grow out of it.  Yippee.  I can't complain, though.  Izzy is sleeping very, very well at night--always getting one 6-7 hour stretch, and then going right back to sleep for another 3ish hours.  By my definition, it's not sleeping 'through the night,' but all the baby books will tell parents that six hours is classified as sleeping through the night... Bah.  I don't mind one little bit getting up once to feed her at night.  I kind of like it, actually.  It was one of my favorite things about nursing Cooper, too.  The house is quiet and dark, there is nothing around to distract us, and we get to simply snuggle.  Every once in a while, I'll get a satisfied smile, with milk dripping down her cheek, before she slips back to sleep in my arms.  I also know this itty-bitty-baby time goes so fast...  so I'll enjoy it while it lasts :)

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