The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Izzy is 4 Months Old!

4 weeks to 4 months...

4 months has flown by and Izzy has brightened every minute of our days.  We cannot imagine our lives without her in it!  Here are a few updates...

Growing like a Weed...
Size 2 diapers
6 month clothing
Long feet!  Her socks are all getting too small
Best guess at weight?  14 pounds (well-check is next week)

*Added after 4 month checkup on March 8...
Weight: 14 lbs. 5 1/2 oz. (45%ile) Height: 25 1/2 in. (80%ile) Head: 43 cm (95%ile)

Eating Well...
5 feedings per day
5 ounces in a bottle (6 ounces a couple times)
Take a bottle just fine from anybody now

Sleeps from 8 PM to 6:20 AM every day, with a couple short night-wakings
(seriously, her magic wake-up time is between 6:20-6:24 AM every day... 
maybe once a week she sleeps past that!)
Usually falls asleep being burped and rocked at night
Still velcroed in the sleep sack all night
Naps are still inconsistent and usually between 30-45 mins (however as I type she's been sleeping for over an hour... not yet her usual!)
To hear her own voice
Holding Cooper's hand
Talking on the changing table
Tummy time
Grabbing toys and putting them in her mouth
Sucking on her fingers
Her Nuk to help relax her or fall asleep
Mom's singing
Other Fun...
Likes the exersaucer
LOVES this playskool musical mirror toy we have-it can be for tummy time or raised to be above her while she's on her back-she loves the lights and music
Is soooo close to rolling from back to belly
Loves being in the bathtub with her big brother
Drools like nobody's business
Hair is getting longer.  And more wild by the minute.
Gave us her first real laughs this month
Still smiles for anyone and everyone
Is learning to be tougher... Cooper's play can get a little rough
Is totally fine at daycare-she's been practicing for a few hours at a time
Always finds the TV
All in all, Izzy's getting way more social as she enters her fifth month... she smiles, laughs, squeals, groans, giggles,  and talks to us a lot.  Her little voice even sounds girly, except when she does her weird little gremlin groans or snorts :)

I hope the memories of your sweet little hands are forever etched in my brain... I loooove your little curious hands.  You love feeling daddy's whiskers and his stubbly head, you love holding our fingers, you search for things to grab and hold on to while you're nursing, and you are starting to reach for us.  Melts my heart!  The other afternoon while I was spoiling myself with a nap on the couch with you, I woke up to your hand on my cheek.  I wish you were awake to see mommy's huge smile!  Your little toes are running a close second, and they get lots of kisses with every clothing and diaper change.  I am excited for you to 'discover' that they're there :)  
We love you, Izzy.  Now stop growing so fast!
Loving Tummy Time

Your brother loves you so much!
Izzy's favorite toy... and Cooper LOVES playing under it with her
Sitting up and so proud!

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