The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Second Time Around...

Good job, Izzy Girl!!  Tonight we went through our bedtime routine, and you let me lay you down in your crib fully awake... with no fussing!  And you were asleep in just a few minutes.  'Atta girl!

I got to thinking today how many things we are doing differently the second time around... we have moved out of the over-the-top, stressed, crazed, worried, and clueless parent-of-one stage, to the parents I thought we'd always be.  Okay, to say we're not still stressed and worried, and sometimes even a little over-the-top might be a bit of an overstatement, but we sure feel a lot more relaxed.  And I think it has a clear direct impact on Izzy :)

  • From the start, we laid Izzy down for naps in her crib as often as possible.  It's rare that she takes an entire nap in our arms.  Those are kind of reserved for 'special' occasions.
  • I am a lot more relaxed about nursing, not obsessing about what the clock says, but rather following her lead.  If she's hungry, I feed her.  Period.
  • Izzy gets more bottles that Cooper did, so we can hopefully ward off the bottle-strike business we fought through with our firstborn.  Even I've been giving Izzy more bottles, thinking that might help.  The true test will come once she's going to daycare every day.
  • If Izzy's sleeping in her carseat, when we get home we let her sleep!  I used to think it was mean to leave a baby squished in the seat for so long, and I'd take Cooper out as soon as we got home... but now it's clear babies sleep so well in there because they like it!!  
  • I wear Izzy in the Moby wrap to get things done, and because she just loves it so much.  I think being relaxed about wearing that thing makes all the difference.  And I don't think I'm spoiling her.  
  • From the start, we were waaaay more in tune to Izzy's cues for hunger, sleep, boredom, and uncomfortableness than the first time around.  
  • We don't go crazy trying to figure out if she's sleeping too little or too much during the day... if she's tired, she'll sleep.  It really doesn't truly affect her night-time sleep. 
  • If Izzy starts fussing in the night, I give her the Nuk once before offering to feed her, and guess what??  She almost always will go right back to sleep!  Who'd have thought?!  

All this said, we're not sure what's the cause and what's the effect... Izzy's easygoing personality, or our 'experience.'  Probably a combination of both.  Either way, things are going great!

A recent morning of playtime with mommy quickly turned into a mini photo shoot :)

Izzy discovered her reflection, and loves to look at herself

Yeah!  She's gonna be a little ball player!

And as tradition goes, storytime at our house happens early and often :)

My favorite part of this photo is how Cooper is holding Izzy's hand!  So sweet!!

Do you notice that it's the same book?  "Just a Mess" is the book Cooper is currently obsessed with.
And bath time has a new meaning now that both kids can be in the tub together.  Jeremy and I joked that of the couple thousand square feet of our house, the four of us were squished into nine of them ;)

Cooper is a big helper... washing off Izzy's feet!

And our "No-Man" as I like to call him, is doing well.  He has discovered the power of the word "No," and is using it ALL THE TIME.  Actually, in general, it is finally clicking to him that all his words have power.  He can get things he wants quicker when he uses words.  He can be funny when he uses his words.  He can have a conversation when he uses his words.  He can express his frustration quicker with his words (although tantrums still have the same effect, trust me).  Cooper has absolutely, without a doubt, hit his language 'explosion.'  We've been patiently waiting, and now he's there!!  Except, I really want to know who to send the hate mail to for inventing the word "No."  That person needs to get a little gift from me.

And here's the little goofball himself... trying on Izzy's new hat.  He loved the big pompoms on his cheeks.  Someday this photo will embarrass him ;)

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