The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Monday, March 25, 2013

5 Month Update!

Another month flew by... Izzy is 5 months old!

Growing, and Growing, and Growing...
Still size 2 diapers
Still size 6 month clothing
She almost fits in size two baby shoes!
Her hair is getting thicker up front, but not lightening anymore (boo!)

Eating Well...
5 feedings per day
6 ounces in a bottle
She is really curious when someone is eating near her... I think she's getting ready for solids!
Very consistent nightly routine-asleep by 8 and up by 6:30
50/50 falling asleep in my arms or still awake when I put her down
Wakes several times a night to have her Nuk replaced
Sleeps with arms out now... and let's just say she's still adjusting ;)
Rolled over in her sleep last night for the first time--FREAKED me out!
Naps are getting more consistent (3-4 per day, with a 2ish-hour nap in there at some point)
Jabbering--she's making more distinct sounds now
When Cooper really close to her
To touch faces
Feeling Cooper's hair and holding his hand
Being on the changing table and grabbing her toes
Tummy time
'Sitting' with support-and tries to lift herself up
Chewing on bath rags
Grabbing toys and putting them in her mouth, especially the crunchy ones
Watching the action--kids playing, mom or dad cooking, big brother goofing around
Her nuk
Songs and rhymes, especially ones with actions on her belly
Other Stuff...
Found her toes this month!
She's been examining her hands
Loves sitting upright in the high chair
Rolls from back to belly like a machine
Loves being in the bathtub with her big brother
Had her first experience in the snow this month
Goes through 3-4 bibs per day
Developed a troublesome rash under her chin and on the top of her chest from drooling
Is getting more cautious with her smiles... she seems to recognize when it's a stranger
Loves to have something in her hands at all times--a toy, a blanket, a bib, mom's hair or necklace... 
She jabbers a lot, still smiley all the time, but we still have to work pretty hard for giggles

We looooove you Cheekers!  You brighten every day!!

Your usual spot for breakfast with Cooper

Your new spot for supper time--you love sitting up to see us

My Girl :)

Loving bath time

No, you could not be any cuter!

You found your toes this month!

You LOVE the changing table, and we LOVE that huge smile!

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