The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Snow Day!!

What better treat than to have a snow day with the whole family?!  It's one of the awesome perks we have for both being teachers (at least when our districts agree on the weather conditions!).  I guess I did work pretty hard for two whole days, and needed a rest from school :)

The little marshmallow is ready for her first venture in the snow!

Happy Snow Day!!

Cooper getting buried

Izzy's very first time in the snow!!

A little sled ride for the boys

Izzy wasn't too thrilled about the snowflakes in her face
The little lady much preferred the warmth once we got back inside

See?  She liked getting the snowsuit OFF...

And she really loves minimal clothing! (Check out the fluffy hat hair!!)
Enjoy the snow... it will be so pretty for the next day or so before it turns brown and slushy... Boo!!  (Although I can't WAIT to get the munchkins out in the stroller and head to the park!!)

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