The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

6 Month Update

Growing, and Growing, and Growing...
Size 2 diapers
Size 6 mo. clothing, but will be switching to 9 mo. very soon
Around 15.5 pounds
Her hair fits in a little 'sprout' of a ponytail

Eating Well...
5 milk feedings a day
Started solids--still just practicing by eating a little for supper
Has tried brown rice cereal, regular rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, sweet potatoes, and Baby Mum-mum
She LOVES bananas (rip-the-spoon-from-my-hand LOVES bananas)
Figured out how to hold on to and get a little water out of a sippy cup
Same bedtime of 7:30/8:00 and up between 6-6:30
Is getting feistier at night about wanting to be rocked to sleep
Eats one time in the middle of the night.  I gave in.  We all get more sleep this way.
Well-adjusted to sleeping with her arms out, and often rolls over in her crib while 'trying' to fall asleep
3 naps per day - one 45-min AM, one 2-ish hour afternoon, and one 30-min PM
Her jumperoo
Cooper blowing raspberries on her belly
Cooper tickling or kissing her feet
Instantly rolling to her belly when on the floor
Watching us eat
 Chewing on her toes
Playing peek-a-boo
Stroller rides
Sleeping in our arms
Bath time
Grabbing hair

Other Stuff...
Pushes up really high on her arms when on her belly
Scoots backward, and gets her knees underneath her every now and then
Slobbering slowed down-most days she doesn't wear a bib at all
Still no teeth, but I think her bottom gums are looking whitish
Knows when mom or dad are not around... definite stranger-danger
Giggles more easily now!
 Really concentrates on objects in her hands
Is really close to sitting without support
Had her first ear infection this month :(
New nickname: pterodactyl, due to her crazy shrieks and squeals
We're putting the bouncer away this week...

This kid is a dream of a baby.  She is still very laid back, she just makes sure no one forgets about her by 'reminding' us she's still here when we spend too much time out of her sight ;) I almost forgot how much fun this age is... having a 'meal time' with FOOD, so many smiles and giggles, lots of new discoveries, and the sweet way she can go from all riled up to sweetly snoozing in my arms in just a few minutes.  

Isabelle, we love you.  Now stop growing so fast.

Hmmm... when I walked away, she was on the blanket...

"Here I am, Mommy!"

Loving the jumperoo

Practicing with the sippy cup

These mini photo sessions with mommy get more interesting every month!!

And we've entered the chew-on-anything-and-everything stage

Check out the sprout on the top of her head!!

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