The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Winter That Never Ends

So, last week's snowstorm was kind of funny.  A little peculiar to have an April 11 snowstorm, but at least most of us could chuckle about it.  But to get socked again on April 17?!?!?!?  6 inches of slushy, heavy snow that caused an early-release from school and a subsequent snow day?!?!?!? That's just plain wrong.  It's seriously the winter that never ends!  Not that I'm complaining about an extra day at home with my family, but we do have to make up the time.  4 snow days is apparently not a reasonable amount of days to just let students and teachers have off ;)  One school day gets tacked on to the end of the school year (June 5 is now our last day with students), and teachers must attend one of a variety of 2-day workshops or spend 16 hours curriculum mapping this summer. 

Jeremy, on the other hand, is not too concerned.  His back surgery has been scheduled for May7, so he'll be taking the rest of the school year off.  If his district makes up the time, he won't have to worry about it.  He has reminded me of that at least three times today. 

We keep thinking THIS snowstorm will be the last one...  so we bundled Cooper up and let him enjoy what's left of this ungodly long winter.  He doesn't mind this long winter one bit.  He's learned to eat 'clean' snow, and he thinks it tastes like ice cream.  He knows how to make snowballs and snowmen.  And he uses his sand pail and shovel to play in the snow. 

At least the snow is pretty... right?

Shoveling the walk.  Well, taking a break from shoveling that walk.

Looks like Cooper will be helping daddy plant the garden in, um, NEVER.

"The raspberries go here, and the strawberries will go just over there, and..." Hey, a kid can dream!
Looking for 'clean' snow to eat :)

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