Height: 30.5 in. (45%ile) She has short little legs and a long torso, so she looks so funny and cute toddling around everywhere!
Head:48.2 cm (97%ile... brains continue to GROW and GROW!!)
Wearing: Size 3 diapers, size 3 or 4 shoes, size 18 mo. tops and 12 mo. bottoms
Teeth: 5 are all the way through, with two more showing white PLUS her two top molars are poking through, too! It's no wonder she's been ornery and crying out in her sleep.
Words: Mama, Mom, Dada, wa-wa (water), nu-nu (Nuker), ball, poo-poo, uh-oh, buh-bye, ya, rah-rah (for rock-rock, as in the rocking chair), coo-coo (for thank you), and lots of beginning sounds for all sorts of things!!! The amount of conversation she understands is amazing! We love how often she says and HOW cutely she says, "Ya" correctly :)
Sleeping: 10ish hours per night. One good nap around 2 hours. This girl doesn't seem to value her sleep... She knows her Nuker is just for sleeping and snuggling, so she leaves her Nuk on the dresser when she wakes up. If she's getting crabby or tired, she asks for it, and climbs up to snuggle with one of us.
Eating: She eats anything and everything. Her favorites are spaghetti and all meats, especially chicken. She likes to feed herself and is really getting good with a spoon and even a fork. We need to start working with a cup in the high chair! Speaking of the high chair, she loves to
Monkey See, Monkey Do: This little girl copies EVERYTHING her big brother does, from making goofy noises at the dinner table, to lining up toys, to giving running hugs, to hiding under blankets or around corners. It is amazing watching her watch him. She soaks in everything like a little sponge. If Cooper is playing with something, it's all the sudden her favorite thing. He has passed along his love for reading to his little sis, although Izzy doesn't like to sit very long for books unless it's bedtime. Then I think she'd sit for an hour or more! Her favorite books include I Love You Through and Through (she loves finding her nose, toes, hair, ears, and eyes AND pointing to ours, too!), Miss Mary Mack, B is For Bear, Panda in the Park, and she's starting to like the My First Colors Book (she likes to point to the fish, duck, and puppies).
Other Likes: Music. Dancing. Playing chase games. Pulling out her barrettes or pony tails (consequently, she usually looks like a little mullet girl). Hiding behind the curtains in the kitchen. Helping with chores--sweeping, throwing garbage or diapers in the can, pushing the garbage can closed, washing dishes, setting the table, emptying the dishwasher. Her Nuk--and her hand instantly goes to play with her hair when she gets it. Climbing... her nickname is Little Goat, because she is bound and determined to find a way to climb up on anything possible. Just tonight, her tiny little legs and arms finally got her over the edge of the tub. She can get on the couch, onto her rocking chair, stands on her push toys, and tries to climb onto the kitchen chairs and stools.
Dislikes: Hearing "No." Sharing with Cooper. Being hungry. Her carseat.
Other News: Izzy is starting to make animal sounds--moo and woof are her usuals, but I think a quack is coming soon! She can find several body parts, including her belly, ears, eyes, hair, toes, fingers (sometimes), and her favorite is her NOSE. After she finds hers, she'll walk around to every other person in the room to find theirs, too. If you are laying on the floor, she likes to lift up your shirt and blow a raspberry on your stomach... a wet, sloppy one! She holds up her hands as if saying, "Where'd it go?" or "What happened?" It's so cute! She just started her one-year-old Movers and Shakers baby class, and our first session was so interesting--I felt like half of her was missing without Cooper there for her to watch and follow his lead. She was very hesitant and cautious. So, it will definitely be a growing experience and a FUN one to see her learn and grow over the next couple of months.
Lately: We've been trapped inside for most of this month, but the few warmer days we've had, Izzy has become braver and braver--figuring out how to stand up while in her marshmallow suit and climb up the front steps without slipping. All this extra time indoors has been interesting... she loves the tent and playing downstairs... and climbing up and down the stairs. She's beginning to be Little Miss Attitude. She knows that if she squeals when Cooper is near her, it works to her advantage :) Izzy will have two little cousins this summer! Aunties Missy and Amanda are both expecting!
Next big things for Isabelle: Avoiding freak-outs when mommy leaves the room. Keeping barrettes and pony holders in for more than 30 seconds. Talking on the phone... she likes to beg and scream for the phone only to be silent when we hold it to her ear. UNLESS, there is actually no one on the line, then she jabbers and jabbers.
Climbing on Daddy. A favorite past time. |
Miss Curious at Sea Life Aquarium. She walked around like she owned the place! |
Hanging with her bro in the submarine |
Loves walking in Cooper's shoes :) And dressing a little crazy! |
Out like a light :) |
Miss Izzy Ann,
We love you, sweet pea! You are the cutest little stinker on the planet. We love to love you... your snuggles are the best therapy after a long day of work! I love how you are such a mommy's girl. I could squeeze those chubby cheeks forever! You make us smile and laugh every single day. I love you Little Goat, Little Cheekers, Little Izzy Ann. At 15 months, you are so much fun to be around... BUSY, but fun. You keep us on our toes and remind us to enjoy the fun little things in every day.
We LOVE you!
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