The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Friday, January 24, 2014

On the go

Here are some recent shots from my phone that need some justice on the blog:). I feel a little bad there are so few shots of Cooper, but he freaks when he sees the camera unless there is a huge bribe.  Hopefully he snaps out of it soon. Until then, we just to see more of Miss Izzy!

Izzy's rat nest.  This hair is starting to get unruly.

Bowling with my sisters for our annual "Sister Christmas."

An alphabet lesson on the potty chair.

A fun trip to Coborn's on one of our ridiculously cold nights.  We were tired of being in the house for days!

Izzy loves having her clothes off!  This morning, she knew she looked hilarious with her dress on her head :)

Mmmmmmm!  Snow!  She sat in the same spot licking her mittens for a good 15 minutes!

Check out that focus!  The kids were loading up their piggy banks after Jeremy came home from his guys weekend with some winnings!

Another 'cold' day with no school.  The tent and tunnel kept us busy for a long time!

Snack time in the tent!

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