The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


This past August, we ventured on a one-night road trip with some good friends to Chicago.  We wanted to catch a game at Wrigley and just get away for a while :)

As road trips go, the car ride was lots of fun, and the weather didn't disappoint once we arrived (well, until the game!).

Millennium Park

Photo of our reflection :)

The historic Wrigley Field... we definitely felt like we stepped back in time!  We got to see the Cubs face the now World Series champs, the SF Giants.

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Mary & Dustan Drummer, Jeremy & Sarah Beirmaier, and us (plus baby, clearly starting to show!)
Cool hats, huh?!?  Although dorky, they are a fun memory of the night!
So that beautiful weather we started with... didn't stick around.  It was torrential, incredible, harder-than-we've-ever-seen rain.  It was also a landmark game in that the opposing team, the Giants, protested the grounds crew's rain prep skills.  The grounds crew couldn't get the tarps out fast enough or evenly, so when the rain stopped, there was gallons and gallons of water on the field... after hours of working on the field, they never did resume play.  The Cubs were declared the winners after 5 1/2 innings.  The next day, the Giants argued the call and won... meaning they had to finish out the game.  It was the first time in history a team has protested a grounds crew and won :)

We made the best of the situation... stayed for a couple hours and then headed out to a local establishment.

It was a fun night away, and who knows when we'll get another one of these without the kids!??!

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