Cooper got brave this year, going down some 'big kid' slides all by himself. He was very proud, and probably took a total of forty trips down the slides after that first anxious time. His other highlight was riding the waves in the wave pool, especially tipping over the tube with dad :) He was a little tricky to get photos of, since he was running around like a wild man the whole time. His energy boggles my mind.
Izzy was a riot. She was very skiddish and nervous to begin with, which is totally her personality, but fairly quickly warmed up. She loved sitting on the 'beach' and letting the waves get her. She also liked riding the medium-sized waves and had a smile plastered on her face the whole time. She, too, found some slides (albeit pint-sized) to master. Always out little daredevil, she quickly learned how slippery the tops of those slides can be...
Both kids were champs with going with the flow for late meal and bed times. And there was very little whining, which made us very happy parents. Half the fun of the weekend were the long walks to and from the pools... running, 'hippity-hopping,' racing, piggy-backing, super-ball-powering, and giggling down the hallways were a blast. Hanging out with grandma, grandpa, Jackie, and Brian was really fun. They helped us wrangle the kids and keep them entertained during the down times. Good memories were made by all.
Brian and I found some common bonding ripping on the Kalal siblings and their loud eating habits... I'm glad it's not just me!!! Brian, we 'outlaws' gotta stick together :)
Still dry... it took a while to warm up to the sights and sounds :) |
Cooper telling me all about the slides |
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