The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Monday, July 13, 2015

5 Months Old

Little Chubbers is 5 months old... and he continues to grow so darn fast!!!  Here's a peek at the past month.

He is in all 9 months clothes, size 3 diapers, and size 2 shoes.  His big round noggin is covered in fuzz that is getting a little longer and super cute.  His cheeks aren't getting any smaller, either :).  He is so squishy, and I love it!  I seriously could smooch him and squish him all day long.

This month was a blast with him showing more and more of his personality.  He is a lot easier to make giggle.  He likes to change his scenery up often, never really liking to stay in one place for too long.  It's like he thinks we forget about him or something... The high chair has replaced the swing in the kitchen, and he seems to really like sitting in the high chair to see the action.  He's been starting to really arch his back in the Bumbo seat, so I don't like to have that up on the table anymore.  He also likes the Jumperoo, but not for too long.  Tummy time goes well, and he has been spinning on his belly, but no rolling from back to belly yet.  He's close, but just doesn't get his arm out of the way.

He has been challenging my patience at night.  He was once a great sleeper, and now he's got me wondering what I'm doing wrong.  I just keep reminding myself that everything is in stages, and he'll figure it out eventually.  He has been taking more work to get down for the night, because he gets all worked up when he hits the crib.  And during the night, I can't get him settled down without feeding him.  In his defense, I guess, it does take a lot of milk to keep up his impressive physique :)  So later this month when we start offering solids, I'm anxious to see if his night time habits change at all.

Napping is just fine, some days better than others.  He typically sleeps 45 minutes in the morning and 2+ hours in the afternoon.  No evening nap for this little dude.  He doesn't want to miss out on anything I guess!!  His nighttime habit of freaking when he hits the crib is creeping into napping, too.  We really work to put him down when he's not completely out, so he can be learning to put himself to sleep and so her knows he's in his crib, but he doesn't really like our plan:)

This month, he has spent a lot of time outside and doesn't mind the grass on his legs and feet.  He seems to like the water, but not when it's cold.  We took him to the pool, but he only liked the calm kiddie pool.  I don't blame him.

He jabbers and squeals a lot, and his happiest times are right after he eats.  He is very smiley and slobbery :)  He looooves being talked to, and he has a new found love for peek-a-boo.  He really loves when we duck behind a couch or countertop and surprise him.  He looooves to look at his reflection, and he talks to himself and smiles from ear to ear.  He is really into grabbing things, and he can almost put his own nuk back in.  It's fun to see him 'play' with stuff more.  Cooper and Izzy also really love seeing him play with toys.

We love you, little dude!!  You make every day brighter :)

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