The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Thursday Mornings with the BIG Kids

Thursday mornings, while Carson 'practices' going to daycare, Cooper, Izzy and I have been finding some fun things to do :). Although I find myself doing a double-take, thinking I left the baby behind, the three of us have been having a lot of big-kid fun!  (And we hope Jeremy can join us one of these mornings!!)

We've hit the bakery for donuts and smoothies, we found a new BP park we'd never been to, we've played board games at home, gone to McDonald's for smoothies and the play place, even gone fishing... but our usual routine is finding a different park each week.  Last week, we met up with friends at the 'blue and green' park in Jordan.  

Carson is doing well at daycare for his few hours each week... We only had one day of lots of tears (and that was after a 2-week break).  He likes to watch the kids play, and he's been sleeping well and taking the bottle like a champ!

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