The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hanging with the Kids

This month has been a busy and fun month, soaking up activities together while we can...

Another backyard campout with daddy:

The big kids' very first movie theater trip. We saw Dispicable Me 2 for free at the Lakeville Theatre.  Izzy got to meet a Minion!

A dark movie selfie

We grabbed lunch at their favorite:Pizza Ranch.  Just mom, dad, and the big kids :)

The Round Lake splash pad was a spontaneous fun trip on on of only three ninety-degree days we had this summer. The kids loved this place!!

Carson loves you THIS much!!

We sneak in lots of stories... Everyday!!  Carson is turning into a book lover too!!

Party in Izzy's bed!!

Th first watermelon... But when we cut into it, it wasn't quite ready... Despite the massive size!!

Cooper has been asking, "What are we going to do tomorrow?" quite often, and we are sure this fall, he's going to go into a depression when it's just go to Krissy's, come home to play and have supper, then head to bed.  What a disappointment compared to our whirlwind summer!!  He'll get used to the routine again in no time AND I know he'll love preschool twice a week, too!

Back to Work :(

How in the world is it already here?  I swear I blinked and my time at home with the kids, just focusing on our family, has come to an end.  As I wallow in my sadness, which I know I deserve no sympathy for, my heart also swells with happiness and a deep feeling of thanks for the long time I was blessed with at home.  

Six months felt like such a long time to look ahead to when it was those early days... And now that it's over, it feels like it was all too short.  And oh my, have the  tears been flowing tonight :)

We are so lucky, buddy.  We got a ton of snuggle time, a ton of story time, a ton of play time, and we got to spend your first six months together all the time.  There is not a second of it I would trade.  Even the crabby or fussy days were no big deal, because I knew I didn't have to leave you the next day... And now you're such a big boy and so ready to spend some time getting to know Kris and the other kids at daycare.  You're almost sitting up, you're sleeping great for naps, you're eating like a big guy in the high chair, and you always just go with the flow.  It feels so good sending you off with all those things established!!  I have a feeling being apart is going to be harder on me than you!

My girl :). I loved our extra time together, too!  We are so lucky to have had extra days together to play, and read story after story, and learn new things.  Your spunk  is really coming out lately, and I can't believe how much older you seem just in these last six months.  I cannot erase from my memory your crazy morning hair or our special snuggles while your brothers were still asleep.  I am so glad I got to experience those things with you during my extra time at home.  I love you Izzy Ann!

The big brother.  You have become such a little man, and you have certainly taken your role as the big brother seriously.  One of the most special things of spending the last six months together was watching you three become even closer.  You are always finding ways to get Carson's biggest smiles and loudest giggles, and whenever we are away from the house, you take it upon yourself to watch over Izzy and Carson. Whether it's standing up for Izzy at daycare or playdates, or helping her through an obstacle at the park, or 'protecting' or 'keeping an eye on' Carson, you are a shining example of a good big brother.  I love that I got to see that so clearly blossom in you.  You make my heart happy.

We sure had a fun last week, soaking up every last opportunity to have fun together... The big kids and I went to Chutes and Ladders park, DQ for lunch, and where else but the pet store :). Carson and I got one more day alone together and spent it snuggling and playing all day long.

So it's with a bit of a heavy heart that I head to bed tonight... I'm trying not to do the stay-awake-for-hours-because-when-you-wake-up-it's-tomorrow thing, but I am finding more and more to think about :). I love my job as a teacher--I really, truly do.  I feel incredibly lucky for the summers and school breaks we get the luxury of enjoying...  I just love my job as a mom more. 

 I don't care that it sounds cliche, it's so weird to be closing this chapter of our lives.  Praise God for our three healthy, happy babies.  I couldn't ask for more.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Every now and then, all three rugrats hop in the tub together.  Cooper and Izzy have two rules they usually seem to forget while their little brother is in there: stay calm and quiet, and no splashing.  The loud noise really startles the little guy.  The 'rules' usually help keep things more calm, but we're still working on perfection ;)

Carson looooves chomping on a wet rag!!

Happy Birthday Jeremy!

We celebrated Jeremy's 33rd birthday this weekend, complete with a cake and lots and lots of sprinkles.  The kids really wanted to use 33 candles, but I didn't want the smoke detectors to go off ;)

Happy birthday to a great husband and a wonderful dad.  We love the goofy, relaxing, and laid-back moments we get to spend with you.  

He had lots of help blowing out the candles!!

Summer Success

The kids have been working hard this summer, and it's fun to see them reach their goals :)

They both already loooove books, but the library's reading program was good incentive for them to keep track of their reading and try some new activities.! They earned a 'Moo' backpack filled wih goodies, including certificates for free pizza kits...

Needless to say, those were a hit ;)

And we were very proud to see Cooper do so well in swimming lessons.  His teachers were so sweet, and they helped him feel comfortable from day one.  His highlights included going down the slide and 'jumping' off the diving board.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Scott County Fair Time

Another Fair has come and gone... Ribbons were won, rides were conquered, food was devoured, fun was had, and memories were made.  We had a great time visiting four out of five days of this year's fair.  Carson had fun just taking it all in, and Cooper and Izzy's highlights included pony rides, checking on the animals each day, and of course... The derby.  It was really hard to choose from the literally 100 photos I took in four days, but here is a sampling of our weekend:

Izzy's Champion Brocolli 

Cooper's blue ribbon potatoes 


Straw Dive.  They both enjoyed throwing straw more than they liked hunting for the wooden coins.

Machinery Hill.  Carson is going to do the mowing:)

These two...!

First ride in the brand new carousel

In the wrap was his FAVORITE!!   He loved to see everything!

Cooper wanted to pet every animal he could.

Izzy thought the best place to milk a cow from was underneath...

Cooper's derby car--getting ready to load up!

Dad and the kids on derby day!!

Sorry little guy, not yet!!

They got to enjoy a few rides

Derby night was a BLAST!!  Cooper loved smashing!

And he even got a trophy, which was by far the best part :)

Thumbs up!

I got to drive Kennys old wagon, and ended up smashing the watermelon, finishing in 4th out of 7, and got the Heavy Hitter award.  Not too bad for a driving a 'cobbled together' car!!

Jeremy did great but ended earlier than he liked by getting hung up.  He also got the watermelon and finished in 5th of 19.

Izzy got mini donuts out of grandpa by saying out of the blue while sitting across from the donut stand, "Gampa, I sure wike mini donuts!"

Counting ribbons

Checking out the damage

I had a blast actually spending time with my family at the fair this year... No more office for me :)  We can't wait till next year!!