The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hanging with the Kids

This month has been a busy and fun month, soaking up activities together while we can...

Another backyard campout with daddy:

The big kids' very first movie theater trip. We saw Dispicable Me 2 for free at the Lakeville Theatre.  Izzy got to meet a Minion!

A dark movie selfie

We grabbed lunch at their favorite:Pizza Ranch.  Just mom, dad, and the big kids :)

The Round Lake splash pad was a spontaneous fun trip on on of only three ninety-degree days we had this summer. The kids loved this place!!

Carson loves you THIS much!!

We sneak in lots of stories... Everyday!!  Carson is turning into a book lover too!!

Party in Izzy's bed!!

Th first watermelon... But when we cut into it, it wasn't quite ready... Despite the massive size!!

Cooper has been asking, "What are we going to do tomorrow?" quite often, and we are sure this fall, he's going to go into a depression when it's just go to Krissy's, come home to play and have supper, then head to bed.  What a disappointment compared to our whirlwind summer!!  He'll get used to the routine again in no time AND I know he'll love preschool twice a week, too!

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