The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

6 Month Update

Holy cow.  Half a year has passed since we brought home Carson, and he sure has continued to grow and change before our eyes...  Here's a peek at this past month:

Stats: 19 lbs 10 oz (84 %ile) and 27 inches long (62 %ile), head 45.7 cm (97%ile). He's wearing size 3 diapers, has nearly grown out of size 9 mo. clothes, and fits in sz. 2 shoes (but hates shoes!!).  His hair is getting longer and fuzzier, it gets lots of comments when we're out and about.  And I have tried to smooth it down, just to see what it would do... it doesn't stay.  So we just have a fuzzy little duckling.  His rolls are still super cute--he has the chubbiest little knees and hands!

Food!  Just last week, we started offering solids, and boy does he LOVE them!!  I feel like maybe we were starving the kid because he has taken to it sooo quickly.  He also is already starting to sleep a little better both day and night.  He has had bananas, oatmeal cereal, and pears.  I really cannot believe how quickly he made it look so easy.  He is already good at swallowing and getting most the food into his mouth.  Carson loves trying a sippy cup.  The first time I put it on the tray, he grabbed it with both handles and it went straight to his mouth.  I don't think he drank much, but he is getting the idea!!

This month, he finally found his toes, and he loves trying to get his big toes to his mouth.  He still chews like crazy on everything, and drools like a madman.  No sign of teeth yet, although everyone and their brother insists he's teething when they see him.  He rolls belly to back and back to belly, but not often.  He's pretty content to just lay around.  No scooting yet or pulling his knees under.  But it'll come:). I'm perfectly happy having my baby stay my baby for a while.  A long while!!

He likes to 'talk' especially when he has someone to listen to him and make faces at him.  Cooper remains his favorite person in the world--although Cooper's antics seem a bit over the top and borderline obnoxious to us, Carson lights up and squeals for him like no other.  He loves peek-a-boo, and we can get him going if we hide behind the couch or counter and surprise him.

Daycare is getting a little better each week, as Carson gets more into the swing of things.  I'm starting to feel more comfortable with the thought of him being there full time.  Next week, he'll try his first full day... we'll see what happens :)

Sleeping is getting better, and I do think it has something to do with starting solids.  He sleeps more soundly, and we've gotten more full or nearly-full nights of sleep out of him.  Naps are longer and more solid, although he does fight nap time.  It's kind of funny, really.  He spazzes for about a minute and a half and then just plain old gives up.

He is starting to 'play' with toys more.  His favorite are the fabric monkey and a free little set of plastic keys on a ring.  He also loves sucking on a rag and rubber toys in the bathtub.  He is starting to 'turn' pages in board books, and he loves to chat while we read him books.  He grabs for everything, so we have to be more careful when he's up at the table.  My hair is super fun for him to pull :)  He's even gotten ahold of Izzy's and Cooper's hair... Cooper thinks it's funny--Izzy does not.

This little guy is one happy dude.  His smiles are contagious and he brings so much joy to our lives!!

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