The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

More Family Fun

We are making the most of these great summer days!  National Night Out was again hosted at the Purple Park.  We biked there and the kids enjoyed jumping, face painting, visiting with friends, high-fiving police officers, and playing at the park.

Check our Cooper's Spiderman paint job!

Izz got a butterfly.

The paint jobs didn't last long... the kids found the sprinkler.  And the mud pit that had formed beneath it.  They had to bike home like this!!!!

That same week, we hit up the Como Zoo.  It was an amazingly fun day as usual :)  The zoo never disaappoints our kids!

Here is a classic Kalal family selfie.  The faces just keep getting crazier!!

I had found a Groupon for Como town wristbands and the kids were overjoyed to find out they didn't have a ride limit... they could just go on whatever they wanted.  Check out those excited faces!!!

Carson was happy as could be going on the few rides that he could.  He loved the cars, and kept this funny little grin on his face the whole ride.

The last 'ride' the kids went on was the splash pad adventure zone.  Here, they're waiting for the big bucket to drop on them.

My little criminals??

Jeremy and I even got away this week for some adult fun with our friends at the horse track.  I won $20 and that's all I needed to make me happy!  I guess I sure know how to pick em :)

And... drumroll please... we finally got to Crayola Experience!!!  Cooper had gotten a gift card for Christmas from Adam and Chelsea, Jeremy and I got in free with our teacher ID's, and I found a Groupon for Izzy, and Carson was free.  It was a cheap and fun day!!

The next time we go, I think Carson might stay home.  He had fun, but he's just not quite big enough to have the same fun that the big kids had.  He spent a little time taking some laps in the stroller while we balanced letting the big kids do everything Crayola Experience had to offer.  We spent several hours there--it was a blast!!

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