The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Thirties Are Starting Rough...

For Jeremy, that is... he went his entire life with no broken bones.  Until now.  He was roofing for family friends last weekend, and came home with a huge lump on his forearm.  He had major pain and barely any strength in his right hand.  He couldn't even turn the key of the car.  So after going back for a second day of roofing and three more days of pain, he finally decided to go into the doctor.  X-rays showed that he had fractured his radius about two months ago, and finished off the break over the weekend.  No re-setting or pins needed, but he did get a beautiful cast out of the deal :)  They did it in white, which immediately picked up dirt, so Jeremy did a little 'research' to find a type of paint that we could color the cast black with.  I told him I'd only paint it for him if he let me take a picture.  Can you see his excitement?  I, on the other hand, could not stop laughing my head off.  It's his right hand.  Think of writing, typing, using the bathroom, showering, eating, and so on.  I finally stopped laughing when I realized 4-6 weeks in a cast comes dangerously close to Baby Kalal's due date...  Let's hope Jeremy's brittle 30-year-old-bones heal in 4 weeks... I don't think a hard cast would feel very cuddly and comforting to a brand new baby.

Poor Jeremy

The new paint job
I swear, it's always something with this kid.  And by kid, I don't mean Cooper.

Here are some other fun updates of late:
We have a crazy boy who loves to streak through the house with his hooded towel on his head.
Don't let the calm smile fool you--he is wired after bath time!

Little boy in a BIG tractor!  Cooper enjoyed the ECFE Vehicle Fair a few weeks back.

"Whas At?"  He loved trying to steer, move the levers, and look around at the great view!
 This past weekend, we met up with the Johnstons at Sea Life Aquarium at the MOA.  Cooper and Hannah had a great time! Cooper was by far the most excited that he's ever been to see the fish.

They kept wanting to hold hands.  It was SOOOO stinkin cute!

"Hannah, did you see that one?!?!"

And what trip to MOA is complete without a stop at Lego Land?  Cooper is a good sharer :)

Big helper... Daddy's real screwgun is so much more fun than the toy one!

And, some real excitement... Cooper moved down to his new room a few weeks ago.  His room is complete, and he loves it!  He has not skipped a beat since moving down there.  If anything, it's harder for us!  He's so far away... but it's fun that he's become such a big boy.  Our little girl's room is coming together, and we've been referring to it as 'Baby's Room' or "Your sister's room" to Cooper.  Just one more little thing we're trying to do to help him prepare...

Many mornings, he points to a particular vehicle on the wall and asks, "Whas At?"  One of these days, he'll TELL us!

I love the little decal details!

And little Miss Kalal is due in officially one month from TODAY.  Crazy to think that in a few weeks, life will be so very different.  Also crazy to think is how in the world my stomach is going to stretch for another 4 weeks....  We can't wait to meet her!

Trying to catch a kiss...

Last week's shot.  She keeps on growing!

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