The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

To My Cooper

Dear Cooper,

In less than one month your life is about to change.  I know you have no idea what is about to hit you, but it's going to be the most wonderful and amazing change for all of us.  You are going to be a BIG BROTHER!  We will become a family of four, and you'll become the big boy of the family... no longer our baby or our only child.

Cooper, we have always intended for you to have siblings, but I feel like there are days I wish would never end with you as the center of my world. I want you to know how special you are to us... we have had nearly two special years to focus on just you, and you have taught us so many incredible things about patience, priorities, simple joys, true happiness, and unconditional love.  As our first and oldest child, you have broken us in as parents! 

I know you'll be a good protector for your little sister.  I know you'll learn to be gentle with her, although it might take some practice!  You are getting 'ready' in your own little way; you like to lift up my shirt and say, "Baby," you give open-mouthed kisses to my belly button, and you get cutely giddy when you notice babies in books or when we're out and about. I can't wait to see you as a big brother.

I love you more than you'll ever understand.


I love my sister!!

Goofy Boy

Our Family - September 30, 2012

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