The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

She's Here!!

Welcome to the world, Isabelle Ann!

The day of October 25 started with a bang... our family grew to four at 12:19 AM on October 25, which was exactly the 'due date' doctors gave for our little girl.  Even though we were getting impatient for her arrival, she came exactly on time ;)

Isabelle Ann weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces, and measured 19 inches long.  After only about 5 hours of labor, Izzy graced us with her beautiful presence.  
Our lives will never be the same.  We love you more than you could imagine little girl!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bathtime Laughs

I wish as adults, we could all laugh like crazy every day... this little boy's laugh is contagious and so full of happiness!  Enjoy a smile :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012


We have lots of congratulations to celebrate with our friends and family these days!  Life is full of blessings!!

Congrats to our good friends Pete and Kristine on tying the knot on October 13.  We had a great time celebrating the beginning of their forever!  No photos with the bride, but that's okay.  She was having the time of her life--I couldn't bear to pull her away from her fun!!  Last week, though, I posted a photo of two very pregnant ladies... myself and Nicole... at Kristine and Pete's wedding.  It has been a ton of fun being pregnant at the same time, and now I get to share in her joy as she welcomes Ty Kahler Johnston into the world!

I got an early morning text message that Ty arrived at 4:22 AM today, October 21.  Well ahead of schedule, but still weighing in at almost 8 pounds, he just must have been ready to meet his mommy, daddy, and big sister Hannah!  Nicole and I joked about whose baby would arrive first, since Nicole was originally scheduled for a C-section on November 5.  I haven't heard all the details about Ty's arrival yet, but I'm sure it was an eventful and unexpected night for the Johnstons!  Congrats, Nicole, Justin, and Hannah--your hearts must be bursting with love and excitement!!

Congrats as well, to my aunt Paulette and her new husband Derick.  We celebrated their marriage last night, and it was a blast.  They both looked great and seemed very happy! We learned last night that Cooper is a little dancing machine!  To say he loved the music, lights, and dancing would be an understatement.  This kid has no shortage of personality, that's for sure.  It was a great night to spend not only with my side of the family, but it will surely be one of the last nights as a family of JUST the three of us ;)

All smiles!

Hmmm... can I eat my Goldfish with a spoon??  I bet I can make a mess trying!!

Crunching in the leaves with Auntie Missy

Just the three of us :)

He was pretty goofy all night long!


 And now, finally, the Dance began!!

I wish I knew how to rotate videos, but I don't :(  Oh well--still cute!!!


Watching the ladies dance

Ladies, ladies, please.  There is just not enough of me to go around!

Dancing with Ben, the ring-bearer

We had an awesome weekend, and the three of us got to enjoy some extra days off together.  Friday, we went to Sea Life Aquarium again, and we met Dana for lunch.  The wedding was Saturday, and then today, Auntie Amanda spent a little extra time at our house. And we're still waiting, waiting, waiting, for this little girl to arrive!

The little puppy is practicing for Halloween!

More giggles and snuggles with Auntie

Love you!

A new favorite game... he just giggles and giggles and giggles.  And as soon as his feet his the ground, it's "Again, again, again."
Play-doh fun!

Cooper's getting pretty good at making snakes!

 When I left work on Wednesday, I left my room perfectly ready for the substitute teacher to take over.  Looks like I have a perfectly planned week to go BACK to work to for at least a few more days... hopefully not too much longer :)  And now, it's off for a nice, long walk.  Can we get something started tonight?!?!?!?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Waiting For Our Little Lady

Well, today marks 10 days until Baby Kalal's due date.  I originally thought she'd be here by now, but it was silly to have such a hope ;)  I have been feeling okay, and just recently have been getting a bit uncomfortable.  By the end of my days, I have to really work not to waddle.  I have been having lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions, but nothing very painful and certainly not regular.  As of last Tuesday, I am dilated to 3 cm and 80% effaced, so things are certainly 'happening,' just not anytime too quick! 

I am so completely overjoyed to be having a baby girl!  I can't wait to see what she looks like, see what her personality will be, kiss her tiny fingers and toes, smell that sweet new baby smell, and hear that little cry.  We have picked out her name, but we're keeping that a secret until the announcement of her arrival.  Her bedroom is done, her clothes are washed and ready, and the hospital bags are waiting patiently to be whisked off to the hospital.  I'm starting to get a little more nervous about labor and delivery, but I know it will all turn out just fine.  I didn't 'go in to' labor with Cooper, so I'm mostly nervous about what it will feel like to start laboring at home, or maybe worse--school.  No reason to worry, I know, but I can't hep but be a little more nervous this time because I know what's coming!!!!

The nursery has been transformed!

Baby's aunties came over last weekend to help make some custom onesies for her arrival!

The finished products

At a recent wedding with Nicole... we're due within a few weeks of each other!

 And for a little dose of Cooper, here's my FAVORITE photo as of late...

Mommy and Cooper (22 mo.)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Getting Ready for Baby

Cooper's pretty curious about the swing that appeared at our house over the weekend :)

Fall Fun!

This past weekend, we took full advantage of the gorgeous weather!  Cooper got to pick some pumpkins at Grandma Dawn's patch...

See that shirt?  It says "My Mummy Rocks!"

Cooper and Mommy

This is the one he picked for his Baby Sister

Cooper and Grandma Dawn with the Pumpkin Cooper picked for himself

We also went to MN Harvest Apple Orchard, which is just up the hill from our house.  We met with Missy and Phil there and spent a couple hours enjoying all the Orchard has to offer.

Cooper loved the apple launcher--but daddy needs to work on his aim :)

I LOVE apples!!!

"Mmmmmm... Mmmmmm..." was all we heard between the cruches.

What does a monkey say?  Cooper likes to do the actions, too!

Note a few peculiarities in this photo... First, that cute cast.  Second, that big baby!!  Third, Cooper's 'Mommy Love.'

Cooper and Auntie Missy

Look at those big choppers!

Cooper LOVED laughing at Phil and his crazy apple-eating skills.

Climbing up the straw pile

Cooper was FULL of smiles all day!  Until it was time to go, that is...

It sounds like tomorrow the bottom is going to drop out in terms of weather.  We are so glad we had a free weekend to enjoy some time outside.  It was also fun to have some special time to be patient doing what Cooper had fun doing.  The normal hustle and bustle doesn't always allow us the chance to enjoy the simple things through the eyes of an exploring toddler :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

To My Cooper

Dear Cooper,

In less than one month your life is about to change.  I know you have no idea what is about to hit you, but it's going to be the most wonderful and amazing change for all of us.  You are going to be a BIG BROTHER!  We will become a family of four, and you'll become the big boy of the family... no longer our baby or our only child.

Cooper, we have always intended for you to have siblings, but I feel like there are days I wish would never end with you as the center of my world. I want you to know how special you are to us... we have had nearly two special years to focus on just you, and you have taught us so many incredible things about patience, priorities, simple joys, true happiness, and unconditional love.  As our first and oldest child, you have broken us in as parents! 

I know you'll be a good protector for your little sister.  I know you'll learn to be gentle with her, although it might take some practice!  You are getting 'ready' in your own little way; you like to lift up my shirt and say, "Baby," you give open-mouthed kisses to my belly button, and you get cutely giddy when you notice babies in books or when we're out and about. I can't wait to see you as a big brother.

I love you more than you'll ever understand.


I love my sister!!

Goofy Boy

Our Family - September 30, 2012